UK/US now shitholes but why?

Holy Tony had a lot to do with it - This used to be called gerrymandering and it was illegal.

**’’ Its main purpose—to rub the Right’s nose in diversity
there was a hostile secret agenda to impose multiculturalism on Britain and to transform the country beyond recognition.

The new Home Secretary Jack Straw, insisted all asylum applicants were fleeing oppression and to say otherwise was “racist.”

Straw was just not interested in the arguments against this, and so began a flood of non-English speaking illiterates.

What a surprise the usual suspects are also involved.

‘‘So, to give the new policy a veneer of respectability, he had drafted in a ■■■■■■ academic called Jonathan Portes to produce a report justifying the policy.’’

Blair chose as Junior Immigration Minister a woman who seemed to retain an acute sense of her own ■■■■■■■■■■ while having a great enthusiasm for eradicating White British identity.

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So has Tony changed his mind?

Whether you’re sorry or not is irrelevant. I’m just pointing out that you are reaping the consequences of foolish foreign policy.

Record global refugee crisis, and the countries producing the most just happen to be the country’s that the US/UK have interfered most.

Ok so you have pointed out your opinion, fine. Also the “the so called global refugee crisis” doesn’t exist and even if it did there is no room in the life boat. So when you have finished your analysis, what do you recommend ? If you resided here you would be ok with watering down the gene pool ?

Tony Blair is a pervert. (I’m not talking about his relationship with his daughter).
He is a war criminal.
Remember the “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq?
He and Bush 43 have blood on their hands.


Well that’s just not true, the refugee crisis documented by the UN (And several think tanks, liberal and conservative) is very real, and the part most relevant to my point is refugees driven by the gratuitous ME/NA wars led by the US/UK.

IOW, the problem you’re bitching about is a problem of the UK’s own making, following or perhaps in some fashion leading the US into wars that have destabilized the region, given rise to Islamic extremists and caused an increase in global terrorism.

Step Back: Lessons for U.S. Foreign Policy from the Failed War on Terror

This is the consequences of your unfortunate foreign policy.

Whatever monte. It’s all a construct by a much more powerful entity than this or that governments policy. Regardless of what you suggest the issue is caused by you still don’t offer a solution ? The whole global terror bollox is likely funded by the same crew that instigate the wars and again it’s a nice con trick.

So just assuming a government at some point actually represents the people and no longer goes to war for financial gain, then what ? How does it resolve the domestic problem of islam extreme or otherwise just isn’t compatible in the UK ?

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Now you’re getting to it, just do your part in directing your countrymen to that same conclusion and PROTEST solemnly the next time your government wants to involve you in another gratuitous war that serves no interest of the British populace.

The UK as well as most other EU nations have long ago committed suicide. In Germany aggravated assault and rape has skyrocketed out of orbit. France is so bad now that only the countryside is safe. Austria has also spiked in regards to murder and child rape. Europe´s suicide is as grizzly as a man who shots himself while hanging by his neck. There is no end in sight.

The predominately Muslim countries that the US/UK/and EU have all participated in war against could never have defeated the west with all its money, tech and power. The region is riddled with US/NATO bases and they really have no conventional way of defeating their enemies.

But, they are kicking their enemies ass anyway, and they are doing it by virtue of the huge present delivered to them by their own enemies, the toppling/destabilization of the dictators that kept Islamic extremists in check.

The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

The refugee crisis is liberal Europe’s own undoing.

The war in Syria had a dual purpose: Oust Assad, and make a permanent mess there. And at the same time, send hoards of refugees to Europe to make a mess there as well. Cui bono?

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Blair was carrying out the orders of the Bilderburgers, which was to dilute all of the European cultures out of existence. The man should be tried in an international court for bringing about the mass movements into Europe for that purpose, because Europe will soon become a homogeneous culture without diversity or dissension. I think it’s something to do with reducing global population numbers.

Addendum: from what I read and heard of SARS last night, which makes HIV and all the various influenza viruses seem like a little local difficulty, that might be what does it, so Blair needn’t have bothered.

I assume that is a rhetorical q

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None of that solves the local problems. The no go areas. The white girls targeted by muslim gang bang gangs. The take over.

Well, I’ll concede that the way to have avoided the problem to begin with is much more clear than a remedy now. Sometimes you can’t put the genie back into the bottle, and I think you’re experiencing it now.

I agree, politically there will likely never be any appetite to do what is required to put the said genie back in the bottle but I think there is a growing appetite among the people.

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You’ve effectively imported a problem that was more or less confined to the ME by warring with all these Muslim countries and then succumbed to the pressure of the UN/EU to take in “your share” of the refugees your policies created.

Very stupid…


There’s nothing that can be done; we can’t imprison the indigenous abusers because there is neither the will nor the prison spaces; and we can’t deport the foreign ones because we have no idea where to deport them to, because they have no ID.

I’m not so sure about that.
If there’s a will, there ought to be some remedy.
Do the English have any will to fight the evil?

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I think some of us do but we don’t have the means