DeSantis continues his downward slide and why his poll numbers continue to crash.

When asked about Ukraine, he doesn’t say he would end the war

He says he would make Europe provide more money & weapons

Americans are DONE with endless foreign wars & the politicians that perpetuate them for profit!

:sunglasses: We need a spliff smoking emoji!

:sunglasses: :joy: :sunglasses:


Tucker Carlson’s first question in the first presidential forum for the Republican primary was about Ukraine, exposing Tim Scott as a hawk. After, Tucker continued to drill on the issue of cluster bombs and whether the US should push for peace. You would not see this in the old debate format, where candidates could hide behind prepackaged platitudes with no serious follow-up questions. God Bless this man for leading with the most important political issue of our time.

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I am glad the question of the threat of digital currency was raised.

“They want to get rid of cash. They want no cryptocurrency. They want this to be the sole form of legal tender. It will allow them to prohibit undesirable purchases like fuel and ammunition. So, the minute you give them the power to do this, they will impose a social credit system on this country. CBDC is a massive threat to American liberty. On January 20, 2025, it goes to the ash heap of history in this country.”

Tucker Carlson has done the nation a tremendous service by exposing multiple presidential candidates as unfit for the job.

The Ukraine war is the absolute best litmus test for voters to identify the corrupted sell-outs in the Republican Party, who want to recklessly entangle the nation in an unconstitutional proxy war.

There is no legitimate American national security interest served by engaging in this regional European border dispute. Period.

On the contrary, it is creating a much greater national security threat by escalating the odds of nuclear war, as well as hardening an opposing alliance of Russia, China, and Iran.

There are ulterior motives behind this unwavering support for an undemocratic and illiberal nation and the lack of vocal support for a rational peace agreement.

Tucker Carlson was able to puncture the candidates’ superficial justifications for the nation’s involvement in the war with aggressive and valid questioning.

It is difficult to imagine any current mainstream media journalist doing such due diligence on these candidates on behalf of the public good. ~ Kyle Becker

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"Ikki Nikki the Neocon is speechless when asked who blew up the Nordstream pipeline. She knows who did it, but she is playing her Neocon cards.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Tucker was having fun at Turning Point.

Audience: “There’s coke in the White House!”

Tucker Carlson proceeds to give one of the funniest two-minute monologues ever.


Pence is a POS. Fortunately, he has no chance.

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We should be grateful to Tucker for hosting this event. He basically did the “We the People” a great service by vetting and flushing these Neo-cons out. Ukraine seems to be the one hot topic that reveals as such!

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He is about to sign a major new deal that is designed to counter all the ESG corporate entities in the media industry with a new shopping app.

You talking about this?

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EP 10, Tucker interviews Ice Cube and takes a stroll through LA

This hurts the democrats and left culture seeing Tucker doing these types of interviews.

Jisssssssssssssbag is such a dumb turd .
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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with deep disturbed unresolved personal issues. :weary:
