ā€œEā€ before ā€œOā€ is Norse

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Glad we still have someone who is willing to call this mess out.

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This is a very comprehensive montage of what the lies and truth are when it comes to the great hoodwink of the American people. The path to war when involving the West is usually met with nefarious intentions by the elites.

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The more this guy posts videos the more he is hated!


Because people donā€™t like to hear the truth.

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People are either too busy with consumerism or living inside a computer simulation to know what the truth actually is.


Yes! We see these people on this very site!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


ā€œWar for Democracyā€

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Liars are weak and afraid. There is always a pattern of behavior when it comes to liars and we have seen examples of it here many times.

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ā€œWhy does 5 of my 7 children have allergies?ā€

Answer: Big Pharma (funded by the elites) Why? Because if the masses are always fighting diseases, are mentally impaired, they will be easier to control and to keep down. Big pharma continues to become rich, and the elite continue to stay in power and are smarter, healthier than everyone else. (This has been going on especially in the US for many years.) Poisoning food, water, the air (see chem trails) then it eventually feeds the semiotic eco system of the Pharmaceutical companies who are willing to supply the cure.

Why did Bill Gates or was allowed to fund a research lab in Florida and then release bio engineered Mosquitos? First case of Malaria in the US in 20+ years? Now a Biotech company has just announced they will have an advanced vaccine for Malaria. See how that works?

See what is going on here?

I absolutely see whatā€™s going on. The problem is, Iā€™m an evil conservativeā€¦ I question shit. The sheeple donā€™t. You, me and most others on here understand what is happeningā€¦ we are the enemy. The majority of the population arenā€™t informedā€¦ or donā€™t make the effort to be informed. They donā€™t dig into things and learnā€¦ they just accept what the MSM tells them.

Unfortunately, there is not enough of you and me to do anything about it.

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The Amish it would appear are smarter and healthier than everyone else. They are the model and another sample size to which to draw such conclusions from.

I worked with the Amish for close to 6 years. I have other opinions of themā€¦lol. I do understand what you are saying. You arenā€™t wrong, but having been around them for a period of timeā€¦ They are NOT what they appear to be, so to speak. :wink:

No one is perfect of course and I have heard the stories abound, but when it comes to vaccines they are a healthier population.

So share your experiences. I would be interested to hear and learn what you perspective of the Amish is.

I worked with the Amish for 5.5 years in a pipe organ companyā€¦Schantz Organ. I learned my craft thereā€¦ served a traditional apprenticeship under the ā€˜old guysā€™ in Cabinet Making.

The Amish were coarse, foul mouthed guys that loved to fightā€¦lol. I got the feeling they did not like their lives and would love to be ā€˜Englishā€™ā€¦ as they called usā€¦lol. They smelled bad and didnā€™t care. You hear about ā€˜Amish craftsmanshipā€™, Amish chicken, Amish qualityā€¦ bullshit!..lol. They are no different than anyone else when it comes to that. Tell meā€¦ what the hell is Amish Oak, or Amish chicken? Is it different from other Oak trees or other chickens? The Amish have this ā€¦ mystique about them that is absolutely not warrented! :zipper_mouth_face:

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Interesting path you took. I was always under the impression that the Amish were always good with wood and made high quality products such as furniture.

I have not had too many experiences interacting with the Amish, I have only seen them while passing through places like Ohio and Pa. (Not sure if they and Quakers operate under the same premise.) The only experience I had with a similar culture was Mennonites, and they are a little bit more contemporary than the Amish but I know very little of their culture. Fascinating nevertheless.

Why do they like to fight? You mean like fist fight brawling? Do they box?