Tucker Carlson affected Trump’s recent Iran decision

What is that gibberish even supposed to mean? Tucker has a specific audience that wants to watch him. Replace him with someone with a completely different world view and they’d lose that audience or at least most of it.

It worked for Glenn Beck.

In fact Beck’s network would probably be the first in line to court him.

I actually like Shapiro from an idea stand point but I can’t stand his whiny, nasally delivery.

He also looks more like a beady eyed little rat than anyone I’d ever want to watch for a solid hour or more at a time.

Maybe he should get a radio show, at lest then you wouldn’t have to look at him and they can modify his voice? :sweat_smile:

This is nothing but pure anti-Semitism. You are blinded by hate.

If he was pure blood Aryan/German I’d still think he’s a whiny, nasally, beady eyed rat faced talking head.

Come to think of it, that’s a fair description of Der Fuhrer himself too.

CLB is just messing with you. Can’t you tell?

Well if he is, he’s doing a great job of impersonating a troll. If that becomes apparent I’ll retract.

CBL reminds me of one of my brothers, he has the same kind of sardonic humour.

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Welcome to the forum. Trump is credited for escalating things to the brink of war with Iran. Many of us are glad that he stood down however and didn’t follow thru with his stupid pledge to hit Iran hard if they responded to the Soleimani assassination.

Never mind the fact that Iran, the world’s largest exporter of terrorism, was behind the attempt to storm our embassy in Baghdad. Ignore the fact Soleimani brazenly flew to Bagdad to personally coordinate further attacks on Americans. Who was riding in the car with the Iranian minister of terror when it was struck with a US missile? The leader of an Iranian backed militia operating to kill Americans in Iraq. They weren’t discussing lunch plans. :grimacing:

It’s Trump who “escalated” the conflict with Iran. Trump should have followed Obama’s courageous example by abandoning the besieged Americans at our embassy like Obama did at Benghazi. :roll_eyes: That robust response led to abandoning the US embassy while Libya degenerated into a s$*! show with the assistance of the US military as directed by our President. But hey, Obama’s capitulation was vastly superior to Trump’s so-called escalation. :wink:

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Just because the US government makes those two claims, doesn’t make it so.

No evidence has been produced that Soleimani was there to conduct any attacks on Americans.

And yes, of all the presidents going back to and including Carter that have interfered in the Middle East, Obama’s has been the most destructive. I’ve expressed that repeatedly on this board.

The State department under multiple administrations has designated Iran as a leading sponsor of international terrorism. Soleimani was the architect of Iran’s terrorism program. It’s absurd to claim Soleimani wasn’t in Iraq to do what he does, coordinate additional attacks. :roll_eyes:

The Resistance went berserk when President Trump questioned our infallible intelligence assessment the Russians were to blame for hacking the DNC. Democrats screamed treason for questioning the deep state. But when it’s something you don’t want to recognize, we must question these same agencies. :grimacing:

You claim Obama was damaging to US policy in the ME yet criticize Trump for escalating the conflict with Iran by pursuing a response that is just the opposite of Obama’s passivity. :roll_eyes:

Since 1984. It doesn’t make it so.

As to Soleimani, NO EVIDENCE has been presented for the claims, and Trump seems the only one to know about imminent threats of attacks on four embassies. And yet they weren’t warned and evacuated. Only the red hatters are buying this bullshit. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

That’s because the traitor stood on foreign soil and sided with Putin over his own IC community, has trash talked them with you guys cheering for three years, and now suddenly they are to be believed. Again, only the red hatter buys this bullshit.

Obama was ANYTHING but passive. His illegal use of the preditor drone program, abuse of UNSCR 1973 in Libya, and smuggling weapons confiscated from Gadaffi’s army through the Benghazi annex were all things I opposed. The one thing he got right, the JCPOA, Trump tore up. And now Iran is on the move again. Trump’s an imbecile.

Facts are irrelevant to partisan rants.

The facts make it so.

Well you got that one nailed…

He’ll take a paycheck anywhere. He didn’t start out on that brand you know…

Another of your “I am rubber you are glue” nonsensical responses. Obama’s politicized intelligence and law enforcement agency management has been largely replaced. In case you didn’t notice, some of them are targets of an ongoing criminal investigation. But President Trump ought to mindlessly accept the assessment of these hacks. :roll_eyes: