Tucker Carlson affected Trump’s recent Iran decision

When the Prez takes such info under advisement, and ultimately decides to pull back from neocon nutjobs thirsting for war- yes.

Well that’s just astonishing…


Prove it !!!

Instead of passing garbage.

They prefer their cohorts in anti-Americanism media as Dems are led by the nose by leftist, lying, liberal progressive MSM.

It’s abject stupidity not to see the obvious that the Dems take their governing cue from a corrupt media and are not doing the work of the people.

Don’t know if you are familiar with it, but Trump reminds me of the series “Undercover Boss” where an executive or owner goes undercover to discover what people really think and what the true problems in the company really are.

Then, they work to change policy and fix things.

People were going to criticize Trump no matter which direction he went on this.

What he finally did was probably the most politically prudent (for himself). Give a decisive response but keep it massively scaled back.

That way war hawk conservatives cannot get mad at him for being “weak” or “indecisive”, yet at the same time the Left looks hypocritical for trying to complain about his response, because far worse was done under Obama.

A mild action, is much harder to complain about. If Trump had done nothing, the media would be complaining about, and putting an entirely different spin on this.

Of course. The good thing is he couldn’t care less what the lefties think. He is in it to win for the American people. The ones who voted for him and who will vote him in for a second term.

Not true. This could have been an incredible escalation had Iran not backed down. Why did Iran back down? Because they are sucking wind and have zero shot against an America with a CIC with a backbone for once.

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Your second paragraph is exactly why he did it.

Iran’s offensive capability could be reduced by 70% Or more in about ten days without the US ever putting a boot on the ground.

There was no way the Iranians were going to risk that.

There really never was a risk of it escalating into a major war. The mullahs know that entering into same will be the end of their regime.

What gets very little press is that Iran is coming apart at the seams from the inside and their grip on power grows more tenuous every year.

A well coordinated strike by the US and dropping in the necessary aid for the secular majority including the Iranian Kurdish population would bring the regime down inside of a month or two.

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Right on, my friend.

How much did you hear from the mainstream media today abut the millions protesting over the shootdown?

I suppose some would, Obama was done that way. I praised Trump right here on this board last summer when he took a pass after considering a strike on Iranian targets when they “allegedly” attacked oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz. And I’m very glad that he backed down this time after pledging to hit Iran heavy if they did anything in retaliation for the assassination of Soleimani.

Tucker is next on the list to go. Many agencies are crediting Trumps de-escalation to the fact he watched Tuckers show after the attack. Fox is desperate to rid themselves of him and insert Shapiro in that time slot.

Well that’s pure BS. Tucker isn’t going anywhere and he’s holding the same position he’s always held as to US FP and Military policy.

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Welcome fam - That would be a huge mistake on Fox’s part, he gets great ratings and the people love him. He is like the intermediary between us and normies maybe even a redpill gateway drug if you will.


Whaddup. My point is they will insert anyone into that slot and calm the normies into the coma they are used to being in. They will bring Shapiro in and within a solid week of broadcasting the normie will feel much more at home with the neocon talking points rather than Tucker’s required thinking man’s platform.

If they ever fired Tucker Carlson he could just do an Anthony Cumia and build a studio in his basement and then sell subscriptions to his own personal broadcasts. He is popular enough to pull that off. He might even make more money.

He is actually ahead of this and began this when Antifa showed up at his house while he was recording and beat on his door scaring his wife and daughter.

He has been building a studio in Maine ever since.

But mark my words, his replacement will be Shapiro to bring Tucker’s audience back into their neocon slumber.

I disagree. I seriously doubt Fox would consider hiring Shapiro to replace Tucker and it would be such an amateurish thing to do on their part. Hiring a guy who regularly wears a yarmulke wouldn’t go over too well by reaching a wider audience. His delivery and annoying sounding voice would encourage viewers to tune him out. Nor would he garner the same type of ratings that Tucker does. I could see someone else but definitely not Shapiro.

Fox would not dump Carlson - he actually thinks.

Remember back when leftists organized a sponsor boycott? I TiVo Carlson, and there are a whole lot of ads to FF through at each break. Carlson’s job is quite secure.

His is usually the voice of moderation at that station, and is quite popular, he makes points about other networks’ biases, and ‘brings the receipts’ (though in truth CNN and MSNBC are easy marks).