Yeah, that was the point, he has spent his presidency criticizing and ridiculing the United States intelligence community but singularly selectively accepting of them in this case because it suited his political needs at the moment. This was widely recognized.
Obama rewrote the rules of engagement to neuter our troops offensive capabilities in Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama refused to recognize the green revolution in Iran. He refused to follow through on his red line bluster for Syria.
He took no meaningful action when the Iranians seized US patrol boats and humiliated US sailors. The nuclear agreement with Iran was sanctions relief, pallets of cash and free reign to carry on their policy of terrorism, all for an agreement they didn’t even have to sign. Somehow that’s not passive?
Oh but wait the crowning moment of Obama’s passivity was when he received word of the attack on the consulate at Benghazi. Did he put the weight of the Presidency behind a relief effort? Nope. His majesty retired to the WH family quarters. He had a campaign trip starting in the following morning.
That all has nothing to do with what I said in the post you quoted.