Due to the massive number of illegal aliens in the U.S. — around 12 to 22 million — and roughly 1,300 new border crossers coming to the country every day
Thank you dems for allowing more catch and release into the US>
They are literally enabling, harboring, and attracting illegals to cross our border, take up residence, overwhelm our system, and bankrupt us all in the name of building a permanent voting block.
You won’t ever find me use this term lightly or frequently but this borders on treason. They are fully complicit in surrendering the US to a foreign invasion.
Bull. The money they approved had nothing to do with the holes in border security, it was nothing more than political compromise to pass a budget and prevent another shutdown. The money Trump wanted was based on the needs assssment by the Agencies responsible for border security. Do you really think that Democrats in Congress know better than the people guarding the border?
The problem is that the dem’s would rather sell us out to the illegals and republicans never had a cloture proof majority in the Senate.
Unfortunately the dem’s value the votes of illegals and their offspring more than they value the lives of American Citizens and the Sovereignty of the Nation.