Obama signed 12 national emergency declarations. 11 were to block property transactions with foreign governments and 1 was for the H1N1 epidemic. He did not leave office to golf on the same day as any of them.
A terrorist attack in Brussels, while he was visiting Cuba… a national emergency declaration for a US based crisis, then leaves to golf at his golf course while funneling in taxpayer dollars into his coffers.
At least he hasn’t wasted 100 million of a trip to Africa which was for mommy and the kiddies. So far he hasn’t made a habit of visiting Hawaii very year or Martha’s vineyard every year. At least Melania has,’ gone with he mommy on a vacation to Spain.
But you forget all the boondoggles that el presidente took because he could.
p.s. You are correct, Trump should stay in the oval office and dispatch armed troops to the border with shoot to kill orders.
No more arrests. Only then will the invasion slow.
The administration is right to be concerned about the large groups of Central American migrants traveling in “caravans” to claim asylum en masse. That behavior paralyzes a vital component of U.S. immigration policy. When they cannot gain immediate the cross the border illegally and present their claim of asylum. Some slip through just like the woman who on the national stage said the food given to the caravan were not fit for a dog. She was filmed in Houston in a restaurant with her sister who said America was generous to asylum seekers.
Many will be ordered deposed when they don’t show up for their court date and live happily after in the US at the cost f the taxpayer.