Trump to declare emergency over wall

You said it way better than I could to the obvious knuckleheaded resident troll here!

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People seem to confuse “Republican” and “Conservative” with great frequency.

They expect everythign that comes from the GOP to be “conservative” when in reality the conservavtives only make up about 30-40 % of the party.

When it comes to immigratin policy a large portion of the other 60-70% are bought and paid for by companies like Monsanto, Cargill, and groups like the National Chambers of Commerce who all rely heavily on cheap illegal mostly but also cheap legal immigrant labor.

They have zero intentions of making any serious attempts at shutting down illegal immigration much less limiting legal immigration.


For many this is absolutely true.

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No for numerous reasons starting with the 2nd Amendment and the fact that if we ended all carbon emissions tomorrow there’s zero evidence to suggest it wold make any difference at all with respect to"climate change".

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IMO President Trump can check off the wall barrier fence as completed.

There won’t be any Congressional reversal.

Next up should be VISA overstays.


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Next up begin deporting people in the country illegally.

You’re full bovine excrement.

The dems will give Trump nothing to continue their OBSTRUCTION.

You somehow believe the leftist idiots you elect are smart and working for what’s best for the American people which clearly tells everyone your intelligence level.


It’s because only certain lives matter.

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VISA overstays become tricky. You have a student that has completed a University stint…They get a job offer and stay beyond the VISA term. They appear to be good immigrants and are contributing taxes, however none of this is legal. The Universities are getting rich with cheap international student labor both teaching and researching. They will fight this with all they have.

The tracking of these is very poor. There is a lot of work to be done.


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Thank you for posting that PH… I’ve yet to catch up on the news from yesterday :wink:

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Can you quote that Constitutional prohibition please.

For those two years, the executive branch has been cajoling the legislative and judicial branches to act. Did they?

The executive branch sent military personnel to the border. I’d say that’s an indicator of an emergency. Remember when the BP had to use gas to repel invaders and how upset you were?

Probably my favorite lib argument against the declaration is “Buh, buh! Border crossings are the lowest they’ve been in centuries!” Is that one of yours?

What more humane time to do it than when it will impact the fewest number of crimi… poor citizens of the globe just looking for a hando… better life.


Progressive resolution. Did he send troops to the border?

It would have been cruel to build the wall right in the faces of all those people who walked across the desert (they didn’t) seeking a better life. Trump waited until a calm in the storm, he’s a very caring, humane guy.

Not to mention he waited and waited for the legislative branch to do their job.

Well stated. That may give digestive distress to the group think champions.


The 9/11 pilots wee visa over stays.

Already done. Obama declared a number of national emergencies apparently.

Yes he does. :+1::+1:


So, did Trump get played when he signed that bill reopening the government, or was this all a part of his plan? :thinking:

Hypocrisy abounds. How is Yemen a national emergency?

Past presidents have declared 31 national emergencies.