It’s more than you have…and it happened more than once…
It’s the look on his face as he tries to elaborate, and realizes that all he has to go on are vague memories of The Brothers Grimm…
“…uhhhhh…a little village…all made out of gingerbread…”
It’s more than you have…and it happened more than once…
It’s the look on his face as he tries to elaborate, and realizes that all he has to go on are vague memories of The Brothers Grimm…
“…uhhhhh…a little village…all made out of gingerbread…”
Arguing with you and your communist cohort is like trying to teach dogs to speak English. You two can touch your peepees together 24/7 and still not come up with a valid comparison to Obubba/Biden gaffes and slips.
So far you’ve described yours…
We both know you have a Talking Point to labor, but it’s got a real uphill slog so you better show up with a bit more than repetition.
Talk about word salad, you demonstrate it perfectly here. So much for preaching to others what you lack to do yourself!
Whenever you want to compare academic credentials let me know.
Anybody who has to boast as such is only revealing their insecurities such as what you seem to do here. Thanks!
Why did you try to convince people that you are an attorney?
Why do you use words you don’t understand, crafting incoherent nonsense therefrom?
Your bluff has been called, “Doc”…
Thank you for proving my point! Have a nice day!
The liberal troll infiltration is intensifying. By September, when they realize how bad it’s going to be in November, they’ll be like cockroaches here. My guess is that these are clods from Publisher Bob’s booby hatch.
And stay in your basket, toothless.
Passive aggressive much? Something tells me you got bigger issues to worry about. Hope you get the proper help that you need!
Liberal trolls? You mean anyone who challenges a conservative on the facts?
What facts? You always make that claim then fail epically to substantiate them when challenged.
Sorry for the confusion. “Liberal Troll” might be a little redundant. I’ll try to keep it simpler for you.
I hope you find an Adult Literacy Class that will accept you.
Here we go again with the “Fake News” crap. How appalling to read/hear these nutbags on those MSM trying to “stir the pot” as they have been ever since Trump was elected.
I find it very disrespectful that these folks making this crisis for their own political gains - as if they somehow have the facts. The only “facts” they seem to thrive on and report came from a Cracker Jack box. And it’s funny how they even get their sources - from other liberal sources. Go figure! Lol
If they think we’re that stupid to “read them through”, they certain don’t know crap from their own asses.
Oh that hurts my feelings and here I thought you were coming here to find common ground and enjoying rational thoughtful discussions. Yep that passive aggressive behaviour is bitch huh?
List your 3 primary sources of information.
I bet it’s…
I am…but you’re not qualified…
Define “passive aggressive”, as you understand it…