I bet I won’t get an answer…
Clearly, they have invested a lot of their ego into Trump.
They don’t just dismiss his interpersonal nastiness, a lot of them of them LOVE his aggression and bullying. Don’t want to tell you all the thrilled, excited things I’ve seen people in this thread and on this board say about his treatment of the press in these COVID briefings. I’d almost say some of them get sexually excited about it.
Deprogramming people from the Trump cult has to take that kind of emotional content into account. In ordinary political conversation, I try to be friendly and go at things obliquely. Plant seeds, etc. Deliberately non confrontational, just asking questions, etc., which can sometimes soften the ground.
But for the kind of people who enjoy other people’s discomfort and get a kick out of watching brave, daring assholes commit emotional mayhem, there’s no substitute for Trump.
There are distinct echoes of Hannity in her rants…
Why do you think you are more privileged that I should answer any of your questions or engage in any civil conversation with you when all you have demonstrated so far is a willingness to hurl insults towards me? Doesn’t seem like a fair equitable exchange to me and not worthy of my effort.
I will give Hannity some credit. He has done an amazing job of getting millions of grossly misinformed people all to repeat his talking points verbatim and nod at each other in agreement. Truly a sight to behold.
- NewsMax
- Rush Limbaugh
- Mark Levine
You may have to find another option for #2 very soon.
What are your sources?
I have too many to list. You probably wouldn’t be familiar with any of them as they generally communicate in words with multiple syllables.
Well that is a little pretentious on your part to make such assumptions.
What are your top three?
I assume you mean “Levin”.
I think I’ve already made my point, but, just in case…
Rush has never done anything in his life except yak into a microphone and get hooked on Oxy…he doesn’t have a single college credit to his name…
What makes him a credible authority on anything?
He worked the thoroughly fertilized fields tilled by Father Coughlin, Morton Downey Jr. and Rush…
The Motherlode of American Stupid is an inexhaustible vein.
As opposed to “post modern…uh…ist”?
Well if you consider that an insult then you are more snowflake then you led on to believe. Who would have known beneath your veneers of snarky manure is a sensitive a little boy! Lol! You are what are! A Post Modernist I just call it like I see it.
Where’s the insult? I can appreciate why you might FEEL slighted, but I promise you that it is all self inflicted.
If not as an insult, by what definition are you applying it?
You keep bringing it up, so obviously it’s living in your head rent free!
I didn’t introduce it into the conversation…
It’s just one of many terms you sprinkle through your posts in a desperate attempt to compensate for a lack of coherence.
Thank you again for proving me right! You never have anything to offer here of substance only more mindless immature bile that speaks volumes of the true nature of your character. Which is just another random ass on the internet that is desperately seeking validation by exercising their alter ego to clown status.
Republicans have been using propaganda to keep supporters in line for at least 50 years. It used to be mass mailers that went out to the hardcore party members— missives full of outrageous lies and crazy stories that most normal folk weren’t aware of at all. Then came talk radio, and FOX News. The rot is there for everyone to see.