Trump orders strike on Iran, then pulls back

How do you know that they didn’t know it was a drone?

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How do you know that they did know?

Radar returns don’t tell you thai.

It’s a blip on a radar screen.

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So I guess we can say that either they knew or didn’t know. Sounds highly inconclusive to me.

Yes it does…and Iran may have means and methods of finding out when a drone is launched…as in being told of it.

Also, they have previously fired a missile at one of our drones…and missed.

The US tested Iran’s missile capabilities, and figured an aerial attack wasn’t worth because of potential US losses.

They had no idea it was a drone, it wasn’t shot down via visual identification.

Did you make that up all by yourself? We know their missile capabilities and always have.

Before ever sending in the first manned aircraft we’d have first taken out their AA capability in the area.

Which leads me to believe that this was a deep state provocation to get Trump to take the bait when approaching an election year where they are desperate to remove him from office! Think about it this way, any conflict with Iran with Trumps approval gives all the fodder to MSM to paint Trump a hypocrite when he fiercely defended being against the Iraq war. So close to an election year would be a negative for Trump as he would lose support with independents! With Trump not taking the bait, he not only quashes any potential adverse narrative but he pulls off a brilliant political move that will enhance him as a sound leader! Let’s see how this plays out and if the deep states next move involves human casualties ultimately raising the stakes in this covert game!

No need to look for a conspiracy, this is just Iran being Iran.

The people pushing for war were never Trumpers from the break anyway. The neocon political establishment hates Trump. They just find him useful because of the position he holds. I do think this was bait and he didn’t take it. Let’s hope he can keep it up.


Other than a few crackpots nobody is “pushing for war”.

Pushing for war would be say, mining international waters and/or shooting missiles at tankers in, approaching, or exiting the gulf in international waters.

So you think it is impossible that Iran had knowledge of the drone being launched and was able to track it on radar?

Do you deny that Iran has such capabilities?

Are you aware that Iran has aircraft capable of flying near the drone allowing the pilot to identify the aircraft?

Are you aware that Iran already shot a missile at another of our drones and missed?

Do you think Iran would risk shooting down a commercial flight by firing at an unidentified blip on the radar?

I think they knew exactly what they were shooting at.

Iran has no aircraft we cannot detect so if that were true we’d have tracked it.

If they detected a launch from a carrier they would not be able to distinguish between one of our drones and one of our smaller aircraft that are also launched from them.

Iran has no spaced based systems so the only way they could detect such a launch would be from a drone or manned aircraft that we can detect.

Commercial aircraft follow specific routes at specific altitudes and follow direction from ATC, military aircraft do not especially when operating in a hostile area. They also have transponders that identify them to radar and can be tracked for very long distances due to satellite communications/tracking of commercial flights and of course radar.

Question I have: Do you think they were tipped off or do you think it was a matter of seeing the blip on the radar then launching their Pilots to investigate, then when they identified their target they fired on it and destroyed it?

Nice try, no cigar.

Do you have knowledge that our radar did not detect any Iranian aircraft in the area during the flight of the drone?

I didn’t say that Iran had to have DETECTED the launch. Do you deny that it is possible they had KNOWLEDGE of the drone’s being launched?

BTW, it was launched from the ground in UAE, not from a carrier. Don’t you think that many Arabs in the UAE could have noticed it being launched…and circling as it gained altitude? Don’t you think a sympathetic Arab could have forwarded the information?

You presume too much.

Iran has an Air Force. But of course, you already knew that.

Digest what’s in the links below and then tell me you’re positive they could not have made visual confirmation of the drone prior to shooting it down.

Here’s the flight path of the drone from take off to destruction. The video takes just a few seconds to run. The actual flight took a lot longer. Plenty of time was available to send a fighter to see what it was.

How exactly do you propose they had knowledge of a launch without detecting it?

Iran can’t put anything in the air that we can’t detect.

There is nothing in the reporting of the story that indicates they had any airborne assets in the area at the time that could have detected the launch.

Even if we assume someone observed the launch they would have no idea it was heading towards Iran.

We know it was detected by the shore battery radar that intercepted it.

All those scenarios are possibilities. I think I pretty well covered them in my last post…that I was composing when you posted your question. :grin:

Maybe somebody near the launch saw it and got out their cellphone.

…and you don’t know that we didn’t detect any aircraft flying near the drone.

As I said, all it takes is one sympathetic witness on the ground to let them know a drone had been launched.

Watch the flight path video.

But you said earlier that they didn’t know it was a drone.

I say they knew early on that it was a drone…and they tracked it…and shot it down on the return flight.

A claim which is pure supposition not supported by any known fact.

Trump seems to be enamoured of playing rope-a-dope on this, and ICE deportation crackdown…

Looks like he is working his way through the strategy playbook, when he knows damned well that Iran and Pelousi are not going to capitulate but he is giving them rope to hang themselves.

He can turn this crap back on anytime he wants.