Trump Invokes Defense Production Act by Taking Control of 3M Manufacturing

You sir are being intellectually dishonest! It’s been nice visiting with you today! I got better things to do than to feed your trolling needs! Have a nice evening!

You, sir, are taking a perfectly understandable powder after meeting with superior firepower…

There’s a shallower end of the pool for Snowflake types…

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How so post modernist of you to make such false assertions! Thanks you just poured yourself out in a wasted effort that amounts to nothing. Pet your fuzzy bunny Rabbit and feel good about yourself!

You have yet to do anything other than whine…

If you can find yourself some game, feel free to bring it.

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Let’s not forget that his son-in-law is now leading the charge for the federal government. Apparently those masks are “his” and they don’t belong to the people who paid for them.

Funny, I always thought these red meat conservatives were all about the free market and the federal government owning absolutely nothing. Now it seems like they are totally fine with Jared Kushner, of all people, staking claim to what does not belong to him…in the name of the federal government.

Oh you again! Look at your lack of substance and reliance on weak insults that are completely unfounded and always go nowhere. Here is what you need to understand. In ordinary times, it would be unthinkable to denounce the President as a failure in the middle of a national crisis. But, now? HELL YES.

The Republicans have been practicing Politics as War for decades, while we Democrats pretended things were normal. The Politics of Personal Destruction against Bill Clinton and his administration. The racist conspiracy theories against Barak Obama. Political commentary studiously ignored the drift toward insanity: False Equivalency.

No uncertainty. No attempts at compromise. No tolerance of Fifth Columns in our own ranks. After the absolute disaster that this administration has brought to the country…expect to receive the treatment you deserve.

Please show me where the insults are. I will wait.

Is that your authoritarian apostle speaking?

And that is your perception.

Another view is the democrats went to war with trump the day he was elected.
They have used every mans possible from the Russians did it to the mueller investigation the sham impeachment to not politicizing the virus. Not to mention the 25th amendment and a host of other media induced issues to over throw this administration.

And the dems have refused to compromise on virtually very spending issue. Give us what we want or no spending.

I suspect the next leftist that is elected will face sheer hell from the right as they will do exactly what your party and media has done to this president.

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You forgot that Democrats supported going to war with Iraq! So much for “false equivalency” when such arguments are purely based on emotional hyperbole and not intelligent honest discourse.

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They always used the excuse, Bush lied.

They never acknowledge the poor information given to the administration by the CIA.

Apparently Jared’s college roommate holds another key position.

Bad time to schedule Community Auditions.

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Please, Scrub told Rummy to start working on the plan immediately after 9/11…

Rummy said so in his diary…

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Spending has grown at an annual rate 2 - 3 times larger than under Obama…and that’s BEFORE Porkulus II…

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This worthless administration has taken to hiring kids still in college and putting them into “senior” positions because no one else with a head on their shoulders, or an ounce of self-respect, will come work for them.

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No one with a professional reputation would associate themselves with the Bathysphere SS Grifter.

And no adult would consider signing a “loyalty pledge” to that clown.

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Define “post modern” for us…


Define it yourself! I am not your fking teacher!

He frequently likes to throw out words that he believes are “insults” but can never really back them up or explain them. Keep in mind, this is coming from someone who claims to be an attorney :rofl:

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That’s very difficult in the appropriate context…in yours, impossible…

Given that you toss it around like Kleenex, why don’t you let those of us you try to insult with it know what it means?

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