Trump Invokes Defense Production Act by Taking Control of 3M Manufacturing

An attorney?

Maybe in Skopje…

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Go create your own thread on the subject matter, and stop trying to derail this one with your bullshit unrelated comments here!

Again, please list an example where I insulted anybody here. I am stated my opinions based on the context you provided. I didn’t call any names.

But the CBO CONSISTENTLY concluded that ACA was a net POSITIVE for the deficit…even after Grifty put his own man in charge.

Spending should be expected to grow at a modest rate each year, if only to reflect nominal economic expansion…the problem is that Supply Side Hucksters like to spend considerably more than they take in…in this they are eagerly enabled by their slack jawed constituency.


YES!!! And can you imagine the horror if there was a social floor that the poorest and most vulnerable were not permitted to fall through simply because they got sick in the wealthiest country on the planet?

For example

“How so post modernist of you”

I actually read post modern fiction…I don’t believe you could name a single title…

So how are you using it here…there…and everywhere?

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Sorry that is not name calling its called making an observation on your stated discourse here, so your moral relativist arguments is an epic failure on your part.

I wouldn’t know, I don’t read fiction!

"Sorry that is not name calling its called making an observation on your stated discourse here, "

No…it’s a term, out of context, that you have shown a decided inclination to throw out…you clearly believe it means something…


Of course you don’t read fiction…

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LOL, and the CBO lied time and time again. Perhaps not a lie as they do their calculations based on information provided by the originators.

It’s most interesting as there is no separate accounting for actual revenue from the taxes levied for the ACA. Americans facing high medical expenses were allowed a deduction to the extent that those expenses exceeded 7.5 percent of adjusted gross income (AGI). Obamacare now imposes a threshold of 10 percent of AGI. Guess it’s most difficult as to know how much revenue this generated. Seems maybe the CBO made some assumptions.

Since 2011 millions of Americans have not been able to purchase non-prescription, over-the-counter medicines using pre-tax Flexible Spending Accounts or Health Savings Accounts dollars. Another tax that gnats something yet no one knows how much. I suspect there is zero revenue as people still throw money into the FSA and use it for the dentist or other medical use.

A few things to help pay for the ACA or so they say.

As a side note the CBO also said Part D pays for itself all from information provide from the other party.


When one is purposely obtuse in order to support ones own confirmation bias and responds with moral relativistic arguments that is not factually based, that indeed is correct in calling what a post modernist looks like. You obviously have no clue what that means while steeped in ignorance living in your echo chamber.

Yeah so? Your point is? I prefer not to live in constructed fantasies, I am in the here and now, I don’t waste my time on such indulgences!


Why even attempt to bluff your way through an aspersion of the CBO?

For the “commissioned” reports, the CBO will use assumptions provided…

This is not so for MANDATED reports…

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Whatever that word salad meant before you tossed it?

Uh…no…not even close…


I am sorry your limited comprehension abilities doesn’t allow you for honest understanding. Now if you don’t mind I will kindly ask you to stop trying to derail this thread or else I will ask the moderators here to intervene. Thanks

Defining terms you use is an obligation of the honest rhetorician.

If you believe it derails the thread, don’t use terms superfluous to your intention…

If you persist, don’t make me the villain.

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No it does not, and again you provide further proof that you are simply being intellectually dishonest and deflecting by taking what was said out of context to turn this conversation in a different direction. I can pretty much cite your previous posts to prove this as fact.

I will use whatever terms I want, and you don’t get to decide on ones own right to free speech.

Are you too stupid to use the quote commands or do you enjoy being able to edit what you type between your quotation marks?

Here’s ^^^^ the full quote, you disinegenuous prick.


Careful…that kind of outburst can earn you a demerit…

And eschew polysyllabics…they’re not a good look on a Trump voter.

Ooooo! You are so frightful! :roll_eyes:

I suppose staying on topic is an impossibility with you.

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Pull all US manufacturing out of China period over a decade.

Move all critical manufacturing back to the US and the rest to the rest of the Hemisphere.

This hemisphere was our sole interest prior to WWI and we should move back to that as our primary if not only focus.

If China doesn’t like it, Fuck’m cut off all ag products being shipped from the US to China and through trade agreements in our own hemisphere leverage our neighbors to do the same.

China needs to be utterly destroyed economically over this pandemic.


No…they don’t…they are obliged to make the projection consistent with existing, not anticipated, laws.

Whatever you intended to make up, that is nonsense…neither Rush nor Hannity have the chops for that analysis.

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