Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

Facts are now liberal talking points?

Why cant facts be conservative or libertarian talking points?

When you start presenting facts, weā€™ll let you know.


Who is refusing to fund desperately needed additional border protection? Who is it has flat out refused to fund the desperately needed construction of a barrier at the Southern border?

Wow! Straight out of the lib play book. :+1:


Punish employers who hire illegals.

For illegals in our jail system, send them back home immediately

For illegals not in our jail system, find a pathway to citizenship that requires some sort of work requirement and/or paying a hefty fine. I will admit, this is an area where Iā€™m not exactly sure what my answer would be. Iā€™m not for mass deportations.

Hire more border patrol agents

Hire more asylum lawyers

Increase the use of drone technology at the border. Just more tech in general.

Thanks for proving my point.

True or falseā€¦ Republicans had 2 years to resolve immigration issues before losing the house?

I did and cons claimed it was a liberal talking point. Canā€™t win them all

What about stopping illegals getting into the country in the first place, making it considerably more difficult for them the cross the border illegally and making better use of the border guards that are already in place?

Leftist talking points.

There already is a pathway to citizenship. Itā€™s called naturalization.

Canā€™t jail illegals if thereā€™s no ICE. Whoā€™s pushing for abolishing them again?

Canā€™t hire more border patrol when we donā€™t fund them. Who controls the purse strings?

Asylum lawyers? What are those?

More tech in general without funding. You bet. :roll_eyes:


Hyperbole asideā€¦

Republicans refused to fund the border wall for 2 years. I imagine they did not find the wall for 2 years because they thought Mexico was going to pay. Once they figured out Mexico wasnt paying it was too late.

Why does it matter whoā€™s paying for it? Is national sovereignty and security not a concern for pretend libertarians?, because theyā€™re both still very real concerns for us real ones.

Where were republicans for 2 years on these hot button issues?

Same place they are now. Fighting the Democrats on nearly every single one of them. I say that because I still have no idea what an asylum lawyer is supposed to be.

Where was your party? Oh I mean the other party. Wink. Wink.

It only matters because the leader of the republican party signaled to all who voted for himā€¦ that Mexico was going to pay for the wall. I suspect that is why Republican lawmakers did not choose to prioritize the wall in the 2 years they had full control.

However once they figured out that Mexico was NOT paying for the wallā€¦ it was too late to get the Republicans support needed to pass funding for a wall.

Seems like both democrats and republicans are for border security but the leader of the republican party if laser focused on a wall.

Not quite.

If they were serious, they would have fixed this issue in 2017. However they didnā€™t.

No, if they were serious they would have fixed this back in 1986 when it came up the first time. We all know how that went down though, donā€™t we?

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So no physical barrier?

Are you looking for a comprehensive plan, where border security in general will get done eventually but all other items would be fast pathed?

Condor Airlines offered free service to Pelosi and her team of misfits.



There was no 60 vote GOP majority in the Senate. Stating that Republicanā€™s were in complete control is a LIB talking point.


More LIB talking points. You seem to be batting a thousand thus far. :+1: