Trump closing border with Mexico

And Mexican tomatoes, grocery store winter tomatoes, I can live without. Avocados, didn’t even know what they were until I was like 25.

The only real argument against closing the border as far as I can see is when Democrats inevitable get control of government again, they’ll open the floodgates even further, so it’s a temporary reprieve at best.

I’ve always said, if we’re going to do this illegal immigration shit, do away with the minimum wage and allow all Americans to benefit from the cheap labor, I could use a live in maid for ten bucks a day.

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Well it is quite apparent your point is to be a major TROLL !! WELL DONE :roll_eyes:

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He left the biggest mule for us to enjoy ! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Because i ask for logical arguments?

Thats actually pretty funny

Maybe! If that happens America is finished. If Trump wins a second term, then I see a full scorched Earth campaign that could give impetus for the 2022 mid-terms, and 2024 for newer candidates to replace the old guard Republicans. To me its a 50/50 proposition and it can go either way. If Democrats are allowed to take control again, the country no doubt will go bust, and I don’t see it getting better, especially with Millenials wanting to usher in socialism.

Mexico knows what’s up. Ignore the idiot and he will probably forget he even said it.

Mexico is purposely enabling these caravans instead of enforcing their own immigration laws and while I doubt Trump will carry through with his threat it’s long past time.

Close the border and shut down all electronic transfers to Mexico and see how quickly they come around.

The single largest source of foreign funds coming into Mexico are remittances from the US so economically they cannot possibly stand it for more than a week or two.


That isn’t true, it dramatically cut the cost to consumers which is why Americans are addicted to cheap Chinese crap and why we can’t produce most electronics in the US anymore.

To the bolded, list them.

No !! Pay attention it’s because you are a TROLL !! ARE WE CLEAR ???

We are thankful that you are a citizen of the UK, they mis be proud of people like yourself.

p.s. Mexico can do nothing as the US provides their means to exist as a country.

How many impoverished families from Central and South America can we financially support. The above clip is just the costs of paying for anchor babies born here in the US. When you included the costs of additional welfare, housing, additional healthcare, food, schooling, etc., you are easily getting well into tens of thousands of dollars per family. There are about 180 million people in Central America and about 430 million in South America. How many of them can the US support?

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Sure, I’d rather have millions of Illegals streaming across the border than do without Avocados for a while. Really?


We have a 6.5bn dollar trade deficit with Mexico and closing the border will crash their agriculture sector pretty well overnight.

Let them eat their own lettuce, tomatoes, and avocados for a while.

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Still waiting. More characters.

6.5 billion is light.

TOTAL 2018



NOTE: All figures are in millions of U.S. dollars on a nominal basis, not seasonally adjusted unless otherwise specified. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. Table reflects only those months for which there was trade.

“Companies’ imports of intermediate goods, raw materials, and capital goods account for more than 60% of all U.S. goods imports—lowering costs for manufacturers and other businesses and helping them hone their competitive edge.”

None of which supports your claims above.

What goods do we get from Mexico necessary for our survival that can’t be produced in the US or aren’t elsewhere?

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