Trump approves Special Ops raid targeting ISIS leader Baghdadi, military says he's dead

What, you’re saying the drone got into the house and filmed the event prior to blowing it up, but the video recording survived it all? I don’t think ‘drone technology’ has reached that stage yet?

No I think if you actually do a little more reading and research instead of trying to turn a story into another conspiracy theory like some asshats here want to do all time then you pretty much can find your answer. It was already STATED THAT HE WAS POSITIVELY IDENTIFIED! Next!

So was he killed or captured then? I haven’;t said that he wasn’t ‘at home’.

Why don’t you read the transcript? I posted that here.

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From the transcript: “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), is believed to have been killed” my bolding. FFS was he or wasn’t he? Or was he captured? Do you not see any inconsistencies there?

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I do not because it’s already been confirmed! Doesn’t take a genius to figure out! Don’t over think it!

LOL Saddam’s secret stockpile of WMD was ‘confirmed’? That’s why poor Doctor Kelly copped it? He said it didn’t.

Dude! Don’t conflate two issues it will make you appear you are as annoying as Monte.

Don’t shoot the messenger, Mate . . . or the messengers plural? lol

Has nothing to do with messengers, as I stated earlier this is not a conspiracy thread, read the category!

This terrorist’s identity has already been established Long ago and has been tracked by military intelligence services. When he was killed by US forces his death and identity were confirmed. Not that hard to figure out, instead you are trying to read into something by cherry picking words that simply aren’t there!

Doc, read my lips . . . ‘fake nooze’?

Good for you! Then don’t participate in this thread if that is the way you feel about it! Maybe conspiracy threads is more your speed!

BTW, do you wear a helmet of any kind?

@Dr_Manhattan And even if it is true, it won’t make a scrap of difference; just like any military they have a command structure, so it’ll merely be a case of ‘everybody up one’, and off it’ll go again.

You don’t need to lecture me about military structure I am a vet, and well aware of the inner workings on how these events go down and apparently you don’t so lest just leave it at that!

I’d already left it at that! lol I’ve been in the Royal Air Force, so I know all about command structures too.

Good for you, except this wasn’t an operation by your Royal Airforce so what’s your point?

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Listen to the real news. Trump, Pence and others watched the whole operation on live stream video as it was happening.

I hear that Nancy Pelosi is pissed that she wasn’t informed of the plans before it happened. It’s really quite simple…the Democrat Party leadership cannot be trusted to keep a top secret plan under wraps. They’re so goddamned determined to undermine everything Trump tries to accomplish that they’d endanger the lives of the Special Forces in order to make him fail. Fuck Nancy Pelosi!


He hasn’t time to actually read and comprehend stories. He’s to busy conjuring up a way to use “FFS” in a cogent sentence.

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Deja-vu all over again