This Is What Pisses Me Off About Trump

Things won’t change on either side. Ryan has no balls and Mitch won’t use the nuke option. Pelosi and Chuckie will be pissing up a rope for the next two years.

Mr. President shut the whole thing down next week and send the elites home for the holidays. Have a nice vacation at Mar Lago and don’t answer the phone. Let the swamp creatures knaw on each other and stew in the rancid juices of the leftist press.

You done fine Mr. President. Time for recharging and spending time with the family.


I thought he addressed the issue perfectly. He dumped it on Schumer. You need 60 votes and the GOP doesn’t;t have 60 votes.

Trump biggest weakness is he wants the last word…Sometime it’s best to set them up with there last words. Words that they can hang em selves with.

This was perfect time to remind Schumer comments he made just few years ago. I would have asked him what changed? Are you lying now or where you lying back then?

And thus leaving Schumer dangling.

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Reading this entire thread, it’s evident to me the socialist are starting to make headway in casting doubt in some conservatives and driving small wedges between the president and his supporters. My dad sat me down in 1960 and explained conservatism (big government vs small government) during the first televised debates between Nixon and Kennedy. Kenney was elected by dead people in Chicago and became a national hero because of his assassination. I have often wondered how things would have turned out had he ( and King) lived. I am a student of history and a follow politics closely. I loved Reagan, but in terms of promises kept Trump has already outdone him in only two years.

Some of you don’t like his texts – some don’t like his demeanor – some don’t like the way he goes after those trying to destroy him. Folks, you better start thinking of the alternative. Who are you aware of in this entire country that could stand up to the hate, lies, outright venom, resistance from those in his own party and betrayal from the entire justice dept.Trump is subjected to every day and yet continue to fight for us and his country. You don’t honestly know anyone.

Give me a fighter – to hell with the niceties! Our country and its constitution is hanging by a thread.
We may never have a president like this again if we screw this up and abandon him. Think about it.


It’s all about accomplishments.

I often think back and wonder what a mess we would have today should Hillary have won.

I may not like Him and his twitter obsession however he has done much in spite of the lack of support from the GOP and the obstruction from the left. For that he gets the respect of being called President Trump…

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I don’t think it is a obsession at all. It is one of the few ways he gets his message out. I also think every thing he tweets is well thought out. He uses tweets to keep the media off balance, and to make them concentrate on nonsense rather than what he is actually doing. It was stated by someone above they thought pelosi and schumer got the best of him – unbelievable. He even had the msm who hates him playing the scene over and over. Those two came across like the imbeciles they are.

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Actually they have found 4 different styles/people suing his twitter account. And yes it’s a tool to keep them off balance as he movs in his own direction.

If you viewed the clips provided by some of the media it does show Pelosi and Schumer leading the charge. When you view the entire meeting it definitely shows something entirely different.

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The man has more shit thrown at him by the resistance, the libs, the media and his own party in a weeks time than anyone I am aware of has had thrown at them in a lifetime. What they did to Nixon was child’s play compared to this – and still he gets up every morning, girds for battle and goes on the attack. And we have supposed conservatives wimping out cause Trumps “mean”?


No … it’s an obsession. It goes hand in hand with his obsession to always have the last word.

(And well thought out? Surely you jest! :laughing: )

Muh… Not wimping out on anything… I voted for him… I will probably vote for him again as he is the only person on the right with the mantle to move the country in a generally correct direction. Does he get a pass for bad actions? Hell no. I once read a tweet, no doubt by a very progressive liberal in a really ironic moment that said “Donald Trump is what happens when you tell a child all his ideas are special.”

While you are correct that he does catch a lot of flack, much of it is his own doing. Like I said above, the video I initially watched and posted as OP was incomplete… the full video showed a fuller picture of what happened. In his own and dare I say, very crude way, he did indeed ‘own’ them, but the fact remains that had he prepared for his ‘setup’ with a little mirror time practice and a firm understanding of the problem, he could have done much better and would have left the media far less fodder to feed off of. … not only at putting them in a bad light but selling it to the swing voters who are actually the ones who will see him reelected. He sold the show to his base… Above was a comment that said ‘Every red blooded American saw it exactly the same way.’ It implies that every swing voter got it… sorry no.

Is this president keeping his promises?.. That is a definite maybe.

I have never ‘rode the Trump train’ without question because he is not a Conservative, he is not small government and he is not a constitutionalist and anyone who believes that he is, is fooling themselves in a rather profound way.

He has appointed some good judges from a list that I am sure was constructed by someone else and that is good. He has however, back peddled on gun control although he said your second amendment is ‘safe with him’ … bump stock is law… and he has not used his justice department to counter act many states finding ways to destroy people’s rights to keep and bear arms. As a matter of fact, this ‘constitutionalist’ president told the world that not only was he for gun control, he would take away guns and worry about due process later… and state laws started popping up to do just that.

I am positive that he will give amnesty to at least 1.5 million DACA individuals (not the 60K that was the original number) and will not find a way to end chain migration or birthright citizenship all in the name of a border wall which, if built, will only solve about a third of our illegal immigration problems. I will be very surprised and apologetic if he does…

I might be a bit predictive here but I think he is pissing people off in a way that will bring forces together in the treasury, trade and the FED that is going to derail the economy. Now I’m not so certain that a recession or worse wasn’t already cooked into our future starting with actions in 2008 but his masterless use of twitter and less than contemplated outbursts are indeed doing him… and America no favors.

I am proud of his tenacity and relentless energy in pursuit of the wall but I just hope he doesn’t burn everything else down around him in its pursuit. I too contemplate the ‘what comes next’ after Trump and it is a scary thought and Trump needs to continue to use twitter but with wiser words and pick his battles… he doesn’t need to slap Lebron James and let the FBI and Secret Service worry about asshat Kathy Griffin.

I like him for his general direction, I support him, I wish the best for him and our country under his leadership, but he nor anyone else gets a pass for denigrating the presidents chair. While his does face huge headwinds and they may have been there regardless of the demeanour he set when he went down the escalator announcing his candidacy, he has not used the bully pulpit beyond his 140 limit… Fine use twitter to keep the media off balance, but understand that he has passed absolutely nothing that his nevertrumper opposition didn’t agree to pass and the president can only do so much without a willing congress. For better or worse, FDR moved the country with his fireside chats and if trump needs a full time speech writer and presentation coach to deliver good clear visions to the country, then he needs to start interviewing them.

I understand that our country has strayed off its path by a very long way and getting it back on path will require breaking some eggs but in doing so, our man needs a bit of after work finishing school lessons… then I don’t think I will gripe about him at all.


Probably one of the best things about Trump is he’s not a politician.


I was in no way knocking you. I like and respect you. I am saying that you, Samm or I don’t have a clue what the man thinks or is going to do. As you stated in another thread you started, Trump can’t do anything right according to the leftist. No president or any other person I am aware of has stood up to the attempted destruction of he and his family that he does each day. I am in the building, real estate business and I can assure you that in becoming a multi billionaire, he has swam with the biggest sharks and knows survival better than any of us. Bottom line – he’s our best shot at saving this country so we better divest ourselves of the nitpicking and fight socialism daily.


And somehow the media and left feel they are justified.

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The problem with Trump is that he has no core principles so we really have no idea what he’ll do when push comes to shove.

He demonstrated that plainly with his “take the guns away and then give them due process” crack.

The things that worry me the most about him are his ego, his temper, and his self centeredness. I’m afraid that if his back is up against a wall he’ll do anything for a win even if it means selling us out.

So far he hasn’t and he’s done a lot of good things but now that the republicans have lost the house he’s going to have to go back to being a deal maker.

I’ll give him credit for one other thing. No president in history has withstood the barrage of attacks against themselves or their families that he has and a lesser man would have already quit. He certainly is bulldog tuff.

I suspect the democrats learned this when they and the media were able to take Nixon out. Nixon was a choir boy compared to the shenanigans of clinton and bammer. One of the things I have to admire about the dems is they stick together like glue while the repubs can’t wait to lynch one of their own for spitting on the sidewalk. With the exception of couple dozen repubs, Trump has to pull the wagon by himself – totally.


I completely disagree with you. No one with the exception of Reagan has the principals and values Trump possesses.

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Nixon actually got caught committing some pretty serious crimes relative to the coverup.

He was also among the worst of the authoritarian statists to ever hold the office with things like his wage and price controls.

With the war, protests/riots, oil embargo, energy crisis, skyrocketing crime and the beginnings of the collapse of the rust belt states just holding the country together in that era was rough as hell.

In spite of all of that he was a much better person than either of the Clintons.

What’s ridiculous is that today much of the country still reveres the Clintons and sees Nixon as evil.

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I’ve yet to see any evidence of them. What are they? Be specific.

Sorry, I don’t have the powers to make a blind man see, particularly when he takes pride in being blind.