Think twice before calling cops on a "person of color"

What state is this? County?

[quote=“TWR, post:104, topic:2310”]
Because a much higher percentage of them are committing crimes. It isn’t that hard to figure out.
That’s exactly what I said in post 72 .

From the Government’s website:

Blacks live in cities with cops on every corner because of there actions. Whites live in towns with almost no cops because of there non actions.

I thought you said you live in area where there are mostly blacks? or is that another one of your bullshit stories

I believe he was speaking in generalities.

In any event, when you drop gang related activities out of crime statistics for all groups the results come out closer. They will not be the same because there should be secondary tier effects to having a large criminal underclass, but statistics would be much more similar.

There isn’t a “black” or “hispanic” problem so much as there’s an habitual criminal problem, and some criminals have set up shop particularly in black areas where they actively recruit. They are worse because they can take advantage of the common victim mentality, the idea that the man is out to keep black folks down, and essentially use black racism as a shield and supposed white racism as a justification. This helps them dig in, play upon the misplaced empathy of their victims, and adds to the Stockholm Syndrome their neighbors have come to suffer.


Only in your rino brain… think out side the box lol

Whatever, it simply proves that racial profiling works.

So, basically…the police are suppose to give them a “pass”?

who said I was a republican ? Im not pleased with the republicans, I do despise your democrat party or the People democrat plantation party

Have you been to the hood they don’t follow the laws of the road at all. When there is 13 people shot in Chicago every nite I’m sure tinted cars are pulled over often

The Southside is still rough…after all these years.

Agreed, Jen.

Racial profiling does work. It is a sad thing that law abiding, good people have to get caught up in it.

I was just speaking with someone today about Gavin DeBecker and his book, “The Gift of Fear: And Other Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence”.

There is nothing wrong with profiling or assessing a situation that “feels” wrong. What is actually dangerous is assessing a situation and dismissing what feels wrong because the need to be politically correct or not seen as a racist overrides what your gut is telling you.

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Familiarize yourself with the Electoral College.

Presidential races are not determined by popular vote.

Without looking into the reasons and circumstancesfor those stops and searchesthe percentages are meaningless.

Blacks are 4-7x more likely to commit felonies than white people. They are also far less likely to follow traffic laws. Both of those add up to very logical reasons for them to have more interactions with LEO’s.

Now, see what those statistics say per neighborhood. For instance, do you think my black neighbor gets stopped and searched? He wears a suit and tie, drives a BMW and is a lawyer. If it was about race, he too would be stopped and searched. The truth is that it’s not about race, it’s about behavior.

That wasn’t my question

Profiling of any type works, as long as it is rationally and factually based. Profiling is a cornerstone of crime prevention (including terrorism) and it is instrumental in solving murders, particularly serial murders, where there is no obvious suspect.

Officially no. Unofficially yes. At one point my husband had a top end very sporty BMW. He got stopped a number of times, mostly in London, not committing any driving offence. When the police saw him (he’s white, dresses well), they were ever so apologetic and said he wasn’t what they expected. The police can stop whoever they don’t like the look of. He got rid of the pig magnet and got something less flashy, lol.

Not in the US. In order for stop to be lawful they must be able to cite a violation being observed or reasonable, articulable suspicion of a crime.