Think twice before calling cops on a "person of color"

That would be “filibustering”.

No I didn’t vote for Trump. I left it blank in the general election.

So you didn’t vote for the republican!? Lol I mean why do you filerbuster haha


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You’re welcome.

Took you a min didn’t it lol

1 Hillary voter is = 1
-1 trump voter is 1 vote for Hillary lol

Thanks for coming

What’s funny is they say blacks and hispanics are over represented in US prisons. According to what standard? I think their representation is appropriate considering the amount of crime they commit. Why list this as a prison problem when it’s clearly a CRIME problem. When we point out that blacks commit way too much crime, we’re racists.
How about we send THIS message instead?

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Easy. They commit more crimes.

Irony. Someone calling another poster dumb while using “your” instead of “you’re” .



He seems to be doing an awful lot of projecting. Like most liberals. Wait a tic…

Completely true, Guv. Sometimes people get so lost in the minutiae they forget about the bigger picture.

This legislation is discriminatory on too many fronts to be upheld.

What is amazing to me is that it could even be considered viable. THAT is the real story here. The dumbing down of elected officials, via the dumbed down voters, who don’t have a basic grasp of the law… Just, “this sounds good, let’s make it happen”. :roll_eyes:

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What is too bad for you is that he does make sense most of the time. You’re (that is you are) just too opposed to his posting style to sit back, read, contemplate, research and then debate from an informed point of view.

You’d (that is “you would”) rather come up with what you think are witty one-liners that fail miserably in substance.

Cool story thanks for your opinion haha

You’re (you are) very welcome.

I like stories … keep sharing ha

I’d endorse that. The few Afrikaans that I know personally remind me of what Aussies used to be like before they transformed into sheep.

I recall Jesse Jackson admitting that when walking in a city if he saw a group of young black men hanging on the sidewalk ahead, that he would cross the street. But because it was he saying that, it was not called out as racism or racial profiling by the left.


Yah I forgot the slash.

Hillary’s vote total remained the same irrespective of my vote and the outcome was the same regardless. Presidential elections are not decided by popular vote and Trump was going to carry the state in double digits no matter how I voted.

They are over represented in relation to their percentage of the population, that is certainly clearly true.

They are over represented because they commit crimes at much higher rates than whites.