Think twice before calling cops on a "person of color"

Making it official too.

The reason knife crime escalated was because of our so competent (not) PM when she was Home Secretary. She cut down on stop and search because she deemed it racist and un-pc. I guess a leftie like her would rather see young people get stabbed to death. Luckily our present Home Secretary Sajid Javid, who incidentally is an ex-Muslim, takes a much harder line and doesn’t mess about.

You can’t eradicate knife crimes in prison, to think you can do so outside of it is pretty funny. But I guess the people in England are thinking, if they treat everyone like prisoners, maybe they can pull it off. I would prefer to handle my own defense than have America turned into a defacto prison. To keep us “safe”.


Knives don’t cause murder any more than guns do. The weapon is the mind of the attacker, those are just implements or tools of convenience.


No, we have to take away all the knives, for safeties sake. Oh and shoe laces and belts, to stop suicides.

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Good for you. I presented to you facts in response to your question. I did not ask for your opinion. Though so disrespectful and so predictable. Yawn.

Says more about you if the only way you can justify yourself is to shit on others.

No offense but the police HERE cannot stop whoever they don’t like the look of by law. They need RAS (reasonable articulable suspicion) of a crime committed or about to be committed in order to stop you. Anything else is a violation of your rights here and they can quickly find themselves as the target of complaints and law suits. The system will eventually weed them out if they’re pulling over people based on race and no suspicion of a crime. London will do what London does but I’ll NEVER sign up for random stops and searches to fight crimes because I don’t want the police with too much power. I don’t like fishing trips and I despise them acting like they own me.

I do believe your story though. From the time I’ve spent in the UK, It’s my opinion that people are far more racist there than in the US in general. More than anything, it’s probably lack of exposure that drives it. They certainly treated our black employees different than the white ones. I’ve had several loud conversations with Brits about the treatment of one employee in particular and their response was that he was stupid and they had no patience for that. In asking why, it was “Well, he can’t even pronounce ask, referring to it as axe” as proof he was stupid. The problem is the guy, though plagued by slang, was the best technician we had. Flat out, they used it as an excuse but if they were looking at him as a normal human being, they would have been fine with the guy. They were never bothered by the slang from the Scotsmen or Louisiana boys. Hell, at least you could UNDERSTAND Herb, even though he sounded like he came straight from the hood. LOL The Scots had me constantly going “Ok bud, you’re going to have to slow down and speak ENGLISH” :smiley:

NO. The reason for crime is NOT that the police aren’t treating them like subjects. You can fix crime through harder sentencing laws and better conviction rates. The reason stop and frisk is effective is that the police KNOW they have criminals on the street that are career criminals. Rather than let those punks out of prison after 6 months for attempted murder, why not keep them behind bars? I hate this defeatist nonsense that we have to allow the police to treat us all like criminals to stop crime. It’s not a leftist position that government should be extremely limited in its power.

There simply is too little in the way of deterrent for punishment, too much pandering by politicians who live in a bubble far removed from what it is like to walk the streets unprotected. Likewise, there is too little positive influence to act as a deterrent in the early years.

It wasn’t too terribly long ago that when a kid acted up you could grab him by the collar, march him to his parent’s house and have the parent, usually the father, thank the guy who brought the bad behavior to the attention of the parent. The hell to pay for acting up actually taught character, morals and values.

Today, we have too much “how DARE you touch my precious little child”! Kids not disciplined at all for mouthing off to adults, teachers or anyone in a position of authority.

It is no small wonder that those have not been taught respect for others or authority… have no respect for others or authority.

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What offence? You agreed with me. I said “officially no.” In reality the “reason” can be very subjective, like a dirty number plate. If they want to pull you over, trust me they will find a “reason.”

Section 60 gives the police authority to stop and search without reason.

True. If our sentencing is slack, then it has always been slack. But my point was there is an inverse correlation between the level of stop and searches and the amount of crime committed. That is not just me saying that. The figures come from the Police themselves and is backed by the Home Secretary.

I was neither disrespectful or shit on anyone. And if you don’t want to hear other people’s opinions, maybe discussion forums aren’t your thing.

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All I ask for is for a little respect and understanding of other countries and cultures where things are done differently. We’re not all American here.

So I am supposed to what? Agree with everything the UK does? Sorry, not going to happen. I don’t agree with everything my own country does.

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Of course not. There are ways of being respectful. It comes naturally to most decent people.

Again, I wasn’t disrespectful anywhere but in your mind, you apparently equate not agreeing with you as a lack of respect.

In your dreams :joy:



Yeah, doesn’t work that way. Here, they have to articulate the offense and it has to reflect an actual law or I can tell them to pound sand. I’ve done it. Great story that I wish I would have videotaped: I walked into the college a few weeks ago and in the proctored area, they have a 30.06 sign (No conceal carry allowed). I turned to the lady at the counter and asked if I could store my firearm in the locker with the rest of my items or if she would prefer I take it outside to my truck. (Where it’s less secure mind you) The first lady said “Oh, I don’t think it’s a problem to put it in the locker”… So put my gun in the locker and locked it. A few seconds later while I’m in line, a hysterical lady comes running up and says “Sir, you have to remove that, we can’t take the chance that it will go off.”… so I briefly pushed back saying “Look, it’s safer in here and it’s not going to go off without a finger on the trigger ma’am but hey, if it makes you FEEL better, I’ll put it in my truck where a rock and my window are all that stands between it being in the wrong hands.”… I removed it and took it to my truck.

This woman called the police on me. Walking back into the college, a cop was standing in front of the door and said “Let me see your LTC”. Now, normally, I would show it but his attitude was way off base and I’m not required to show it because he wants to see it… so I asked… “What am I being arrested for sir?”… his response… “Did I say you were under arrest?”… I replied “Well, if I’m not under arrest, I suppose I’ll just go on about my business.”
He stepped up to me and said “I need your ID NOW”… I said “No, you WANT my ID and guess what, pound sand. I’m not under lawful arrest so you don’t get it. Have a nice day” and I started to walk off. He said “Sir, would you LIKE to be under arrest?” So I turned back and said "Ok, let’s take it down a notch because you’re not going to arrest me without an offense and come out the other side without a law suit and we both know that… so exactly WHAT are you trying to achieve here because I can assure you with your attitude and attempt at intimidation, I will NOT cooperate with you at all. He lowered his town and said “Well, the lady here says you had a gun inside. I need your CHL”… I said “Well, I’m not required to show it unless you demand ID for a lawful arrest per 38.02 and I broke no laws so kindly inform her (she was watching) that she doesn’t get to call the cops for lawful activity and next time I’ll take it to the administration to ensure she is educated on the law regarding firearms.”… I walked off and went in and took my test without further grief. On the way out, the lady apologized to me and we had a 30 minute conversation about firearm safety and she actually listened. She was amazed that the cops did nothing and how well informed on the law I was. On the way out, the same cop was still hanging out there and I had another 20 minute conversation with him and explained why I pushed back so hard (his attitude toward a law abiding citizen that he works for) and he started the “Well, in this day and age” nonsense to which I replied, “Yes, in this day and age, I give ID, you put me on the terrorist watch list and I don’t get to fly because someone was scared.” He actually laughed at that and semi-agreed with me. I showed him that I did in deed have a LTC to put his mind at ease, though I didn’t let him get information from it for his report. A perfect example of an educated citizen pushing back and the cops, though they will lie and try intimidation to get their way, cannot legally take it further and they know it.

By the way, what’s section 60? I promise you it’s not a Texas law. :wink:

Lastly, there MAY be a correlation between stop and search and lower crime but that doesn’t make it right. Singapore has a great crime rate but their tactics are totalitarian and quite frankly fascist. I’m not willing to sacrifice freedom for safety. Why? USSR. Cambodia. Venezuela. Cuba. Vietnam. Congo. Germany. Japan. . . the list goes on and on of the countries that murdered their citizens in the name of “safety”. I’ll not give government that much power over myself.


I have to back Zantax on this one. It’s not disrespectful to bring up arguments in their defense and he’s got a good point. We shouldn’t be treating citizens like criminals in the name of safety. I’ve spent a lot of time in the UK and their laws sometimes border on ridiculous. An 18 year old couldn’t sell me a plastic knife without her boss approving it in Dyce. Do you have any idea how STUPID that is? I understand the intent but again, it’s moronic to flag a plastic knife as a potential weapon that an 18 year old can’t buy or sell. . . again, in the name of “Safety”. When the hell did the government become the adult in the room and the rest of us are mindless kids that cannot be trusted?

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Great story bro. Normally, that remark is said in forums to disparage, but in this case I am absolutely serious. You stood your ground and gave several people, most notably the cop, a valuable lesson, and for that you deserve to be praised. :clap::clap::clap:


You actually got lucky that you ran into a cop who didn’t know the law. Since he’d received a call from a third party he was perfectly correct in stopping you and demanding you produce your LTC.

BY refusing to produce it he very well could have arrested you on a charge of UCW.

A good write up here.