There is no democratic socialism

You have to laugh when Democratic Socialist tries to paint their ideology with a kinder gentler face

Sorry Bernie and AOC you’re not fooling anyone with your rhetoric

The Truth is Democratic Socialism isnt compatible with liberty, free markets, a market economy controlled by supply and demand

Democratic socialist wants to nationalize all large profitable businesses , pay all workers living wages , basically artificially increasing the cost of labor, free education, free healthcare, and to take away assets of those in the 1%

That isnt a smart plan, guess who tried that?
The USSR, remember them where are they now? Gone
Mao’s China, that surely didnt work, look at China now, why are they so successful today?
Because Mao died, best thing he did for China.

North Korea is a shit hole except for pyongang , Cuba is a shit hole, except for resorts.
You guys say Sweden is a perfect example, yeah lots of private enterprises there, you seem to forget that, and now is the rape capital of the Scandinavian countries.

I want to hear from all the Democratic Socialists, tell me where has this wonderful system of yours worked?

Frank was right, good thing nobody’s promoting communism. :man_shrugging:

Right, and particularly to the lies of the op. In fact, it’s older than the Republican Party is.

First Known Use of democratic socialism


In fact we’ll let Fox News tell it. :wink:

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Communism is political. The Communist Party was the political party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Socialism was their economic model. The Communists were economic socialists, as were the Nazis.

Bernie Sanders does, he just calls it a different name.

You mean things like God , the bible , child birth ,obeying our laws , showing respect for flag and Country , working , pride for our Country and not for your perverse sexual preference .

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Bullshit. They get elected and then they do away with Democracy.

Hitler got elected you know. He became chancellor of Germany legally. After that he crushed and destroyed all democratic institutions and made himself Fuhrer and Dictator.

Look who you are talking to. That person is so consumed with hate and so stuffed with propaganda and lies, no common sense post will penetrate him.

Because that’s how our system works. If you don’t like a provision of The Constitution, start the amendment process.

In the end they have to because socialism eventually destroys the economy and without totalitarian rule the society implodes.

Right… it’s the hidden surprise under socialism.

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Whether or not, the government has expanded steadily thru both democratic and republican administrations, during the Bush administration more so than any time since FDR, and copious amounts of money are being BORROWED to finance that growth. Trump, like the last Republican President, was going to pay off that debt (Bush actually promised to pay it down) and Trump went further promising to run balanced budgets, but instead has signed RECORD budget deficits. :man_shrugging:

Fox News polling shows Americans are warming to socialism over capitalism to the Trumpers great angst…:man_shrugging:

As more and more illegals call themselves “Americans”.

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As I have said many times and will continue to say, you twist and pervert facts in order to promoter your hate agenda.

The only people warming to it are young people, and that is because they have been propagandized in colleges and elsewhere, thanks to the likes of you.

Normal working Americans are not warming to it.


That montecresto guy is a real liar isn’t he


LOL. That is an understatement.


Monte is just a troll that gets off on stirring the pot.


Mega Dittos to both of those posts.

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The only Americans who are warm to socialism are the dead beat snowflakes who cannot make it in a market economy because they are too stupid to know or understand that the opportunities in America are ginormous, this is why people risk life and limb to get here

Stupid leftist snowflakes with their thousands of dollars of Student loans while taking Transgender dance studies , Greek Studies or other silly course doesn’t prepare them for the real world and now they want to blame capitalism

silly kids and equally dumb ass parents

Im so fortunate I have parents who are wise enough , and said to me , " I will pay for your education, as long it gets you into a career with purpose" in other words if I said I was going to go for a degree in African American studies, or a degree that the only job I could get after graduating was Starbucks or other retail , they said I was on my own


You forget the complete lack of a work ethic, no concept of earnership, and the rampant entitlement mentality that has resulted from forty plus years of democratic control of the education system.