There is no democratic socialism

The only difference between Communism & Socialism is the AK 47 pointed at your head. Vietnamese Immigrant

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Come on Jim, are you just throwing bombs, or are you really not read on the subject???

Well I know neither work; AK 47 or not.

Venezuela’s socialist collapse is worse economic failure than Soviet Union, Zimbabwe, experts say


You’ve been living in a social democracy your whole life.

There’s not a thing wrong with sanders position, it is consistent with the democratic progressivism of nearly the entire 20th century, and most certainly does not look anything like communism.

Here’s what Bernie says himself. It probably looks different than what you’ve been told he believes.

“Democratic socialism, Sanders said, is not tied to any Marxist belief or the abolition of capitalism. I don’t believe government should own the means of production, but I do believe that the middle class and the working families who produce the wealth of America deserve a fair deal,” he said.

America collapsed under the unfettered capitalism of the Gilded age thru the late 20’s. It was new deal social democracy that lifted Americans out of the crisis and went on to build the strongest middle class, probably in world history.

What a ridiculous thing to state.
Roosevelt and his economic advisers had cause and effect reversed. They did not recognize that prices had fallen because of the Depression. They believed that the Depression prevailed because prices had fallen. The obvious remedy, then, was to raise prices, which they decided to do by creating artificial shortages. Hence arose a collection of crackpot policies designed to cure the Depression by cutting back on production. The scheme was so patently self-defeating that it’s hard to believe anyone seriously believed it would work.

The goofiest application of the theory had to do with the price of gold. Starting with the bank holiday and proceeding through a massive gold-buying program, Roosevelt abandoned the gold standard, the bedrock restraint on inflation and government growth. He nationalized the monetary gold stock, forbade the private ownership of gold (except for ■■■■■■■■ scientific or industrial uses, and foreign payments), and nullified all contractual promises—whether public or private, past or future—to pay in gold.

Besides being theft, gold confiscation didn’t work. The price of gold was increased from $20.67 to $35.00 per ounce, a 69% increase, but the domestic price level increased only 7% between 1933 and 1934, and over rest of the decade it hardly increased at all. FDR’s devaluation provoked retaliation by other countries, further strangling international trade and throwing the world’s economies further into depression.

Need more???


Sanders spends a lot of time lying out of his ass.

Sanders loved the Soviet System and would take us to something quite similar as quickly as possible given the chance.

The only real difference is that the socialists bypass the ownership of the means of production and instead control all means of production through onerous regulation.

They avoid the headaches of managing the businesses and still get the same result.

While Roosevelt meant well his programs prolonged and deepened the depression and severely retarded the recovery from same which is why Europe recovered much faster and with less trouble.

Absent interference markets will always self correct pretty quickly.

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There was no unfettered capitalism in that era. Financial regulations preceded the collapse.

Actually it’s the young who will soon be the biggest voting block, and who will be running the country as us oldsters all die out…:man_shrugging:

Did you bother to read the Fox News Poll that shows social democracy increasingly edging out unfettered capitalism?

That of course will never be true since we aren’t even replacing the existing older population with current generations.

The only way that can become true is if we import young voters.

Do read Sanders platform because Limbaugh and Hannity know very little of it. :wink:

That’s a great statement. Think I’ll screen shot it and frame it…:+1:

The reality is the depression ends with the massive production of war goods or it likely would have continued for years.

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True, and the only way we were every able to pay that debt down was by destroying most of the rest of the developed world’s infrastructure and manufacturing during the war.

Even at that we only managed to get the last of the WWII debt paid off in the early 70’s.

England, Germany, and France are still working on it.

Not so, the new deal which brought social democracy to America ended the Great Depression and brought us back to pre depression economy.

Well that’s complete BS. It took WWII to bring the economy back.

Wait, is it congress doing it when it’s a president you like and the president doing it when you don’t like him. What a joke. The national debt took 200 years to accumulate to 900 billion by the time Carter left office. In 8 short years it tripled to 3 trillion when Reagan left office.

FDR brought social democracy and ended the Great Depression by 1939, long before we entered WW2 in 1942

Not even close, but the comment expected from a leftist.

On May 6, 1939, Henry Morgenthau, Roosevelt’s treasury secretary, confirmed the total failure of the New Deal to stop the Great Depression: “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!” (For more information, see “What Caused the Great Depression?”)

In FDR’s Folly , Jim Powell ably and clearly explains why New Deal spending failed to lift the American economy out of its morass. In a nutshell, Powell argues that the spending was doomed from the start to fail. Tax rates were hiked, which scooped capital out of investment and dumped it into dozens of hastily conceived government programs. Those programs quickly became politicized and produced unintended consequences, which plunged the American economy deeper into depression.

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Then you may need to vote other than democrat or republican. :man_shrugging: