🇺🇸 THE UNREAL official presidential thread 2024 🇺🇸

How about RFK as VP? What’s your thoughts?

I think every VP candidate needs to pass the WWYD when it comes to certifying a fake election. If RFK says toss and prove it. He’s my Guy. .

Trump and his mc donalds …


Thanks for not posting pics of you in drag it was getting gross.

GOOD MORNING AMERICA! Let’s take this country back

And you are a prime example of why people will shun Trump as well as his big mouth that he cannot shut.

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Good morning America! Who’s dead set ready to take this country back?

jissssbag 617 is simple a scared punk that thinks posters here give a shit about his thoughts as infantile as there ALL are . Why wouldn’t he like a fatass orange hair bragger that makes up nasty names for all that challenge him fair and square ! Who these days would favor a politician that has to belittle all that want the same thing he wants ? Who can even stand his stupid chants , "lock her up , lock her up " ? Trump showed us a braindead moron from the dems whipped his ass , what else do we need to see another halfwit dem in office in 2024-2028 ???


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I’ve showed you nothing but respect on here, don’t understand the attack.

Gotta love Mel

How do we know Ron desantis isn’t saying what Floridians want to hear? Wht happens if he gets on the main stage and and bows down to the wok left? We don’t know !

Kinda like Trump just says what fools like you want to hear??? :rofl:

Trump doesn’t charge for a crowd

Good morning America! Who’s ready to take this country back! With trump that is!

Who’s ready for the take back!

The democrats love you. They can run Bidet and still win easily with Trump as opposition.

No they love you uneducated, trump is it! Deal with it… wanna see another poll of trump crushing Ron? To make you cry haha

Imagine believing you have a country. Not being rhetorical. Think about the sheer delusion one must possess to think that the American flag represents a single thing at this point, or that you have a government in DC that does anything but consciously make your life worse.


Real leader

Get em big dog