🇺🇸 THE UNREAL official presidential thread 2024 🇺🇸

Good day my fellow patriots! Who’s ready to take this country back?

President 2024 .

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11 Most Important Job Skills For A Youth Pastor

Church · Mar 16, 2023 · BabylonBee.com

It’s one of the hardest parts of running a church: trying to find a qualified youth pastor. Who wants the job, anyway, when it probably doesn’t pay and doesn’t even count as being a real pastor? But someone’s gotta watch the unruly teens while the adults do real church, so if you’re on the lookout for your church’s next youth pastor, check out these 11 most-desired job skills:

  1. Foosball skills - It’s important he can flick the ball down the pitch with the best of them.
  2. Ability to order correct quantity of pizza and Mountain Dew - It’s not easy to estimate how many Little Caesar’s classic cheese pizzas will feed 62 hungry teenagers, but a skilled youth pastor can do it.
  3. Fiscally responsible enough to manage a $7 annual budget - You definitely want a youth pastor who has graduated from Financial Peace University summa cum laude.
  4. Looks dope in a sideways hat - Chains and other drip optional.
  5. Hacky sack king - Can he pull off moves like the flying dragon and the double reverse toe stall butterfly? If not, keep looking.
  6. Can turn any Marvel movie into a Bible lesson - Even the bad ones, like Captain Marvel and pretty much everything since Endgame.
  7. Knows all the hip language like “tight”, “phat”, and “Are you down with the JC?” - It’s important to be able to relate to the youths.
  8. Has a face - Arms and legs also preferred but not a must.
  9. Preaches no longer than 15 minutes - You can’t have the kids getting too much Bible.
  10. Absolute boss at Call of Duty - We’re talking 20-30 solo victories under his belt at a minimum.
  11. Has been within 1,000 feet of a Bible (optional) - A youth pastor with a passing knowledge of the Bible is a plus, but not strictly necessary.

Are you the church’s next youth pastor? If you tick 3 or 4 of these boxes, you could be getting called up to the minors soon!

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Give me a big hell yeah if you know trump won!

I know this hurts some of you. Let it hurt.

Trump shoot us up 14 pts in the national poll



Who knew Ron begged with tears streaming down his face for a Trump endorsement??

Fox News is turning in to CNN. No mention of the rally yesterday.
They need some new leadership in there.

Voters say sit this one out Ronnie!
@LouMan @tt53 @soulpatrol

Sorry boys the voters have spoken!
THAT WAS QUICK: DeSantis Donors Reportedly Recommending DeSantis Sit This One Out | The Gateway Pundit

I don’t disagree. I think he would do more good remaining Governor of Florida. He will get 4 more years of exposure to the rest of the country… and we will get 4 more years to decide if he’s just another polished, POS politician, or if he’s the real deal.

That doesn’t change how I view Trump… he’s still a half polished turd. :wink:

If you’re going to vote for a turd you have no integrity

You have to ask if trumpy was honest about changing America and making it better why in the hell is his home State in shambles ? Why did trumpy close the economy with his Covid horseshit ? Why would trumpy make big pharma richer and richer ? Florida didn’t fall for that Fauci bull !!
We can’t afford another defeat to the woke dems and if trumpy is the nominee we ALL LOSE AGAIN !!!
Trumpy is out for trumpy and not the conservative party , he was a dem way longer than he was a republican . This ass praised the Clintons , nasty Nancy P. and quoted saying Nancy is a " “terrific” as speaker of the House . WTF
Trumpy’s kind words extended to Charlie Rangel, and the Democratic Party.
So is trumpy a good judge of character ? How many of his appointees turned on him ? How many plotted to impeach his dumb ass ?

Trump showered the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, and Democrats with praise In Imus interviews | CNN Politics