The Truth About The 2nd Amendment

You dismissed them, you haven’t commented on a single point that ATF employees have raised in them…:man_shrugging:

Yes … they were based on crap. That was the gist of the articles (at least the one I could open without joining the site.) They claimed that the ATF was prevented from doing their job by the law. Why can’t you comprehend how stupid that is? Just because they (and you presumably) think the ATF should be doing more to side-step the Constitution, does not mean that that is their job.

I’ll listen to and accept as objective the comments from employees at the bureau long before I’ll be persuaded by an anonymous person I’m debating on a forum with no personal knowledge of it. :man_shrugging:

What you are listening to are desires of some ATF officials who would like to be able to do what the law prohibits them from doing.

What do you think the ATF would do with that information if they had access to it?

Right, which is what I said from the very beginning of this. Let’s try it again.

The gun lobby has successfully influenced law makers to write law that hobbles the ATF from performing their jobs. If you actually read what they have expressed, familiarized yourself with the lack of tools they’ve been given to do their job, you’d understand this.

Both headlines of course are lies.

How does not implementing UBC’s weaken gun law enforcement?

We don’t have UBC’s now so not implementing them isn’t changing anything.

We dont’ have to to give up rights in order to exercise rights.

UBC’s would violate the 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments.

There is no act of congress weakening the ATF nor stripping it of it’s leadership.

It also goes a long way in teaching kids consequences and responsibility.

No, they’ve written those laws to protect our rights as guaranteed by our constitution.

Clearly very many…

Trump has supported AWB in the past and he’s frustrating the NRA again.

well, If Democrat leaders wants gun control that bad, they should set an example and forgo armed security at Capitol Hill or if they are higher up no secret service.

Then you will know how people feel in gun free zones.

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Yep, if they are going to force gun free zones on society they should be willing to hold themselves to the same standard.

Tear down your walls, take the locks off of your doors, give up your guns, and give up your armed security before you ask the rest of us to.


No matter how you spin it, the NRA did not write the law.

I am fully aware what tools they think (or you think) they lack. Congress specifically wrote the law to exclude those tools, because they have no place in preventing or solving crime, they only serve to tempt agents and their political handlers to use that information to gain more control over individual gun owners. It bears repeating … historically, gun registration inevitably leads to gun confiscation. And as I said before, that has already occurred in some of the States that have gun registration. It occurred in Britain, Australia, New Zealand and even in Canada. There is no reason to think that it would occur here as well. No, the tools are not needed by the ATF to do their job, their job is not to build a data base on law abiding gun owners.

Oh, so now you’re a Trump supporter?

The law (if you refer to the Second Amendment) was legislated in the days of flintlock guns, not guns that can obliterate a garden shed at 500 yards.

The 2nd Amendment is not a law, it is an amendment to our constituion passed and ratified by the states.

The reason we won the war largely was the fact that our militia and regulars had vastly superior rifles that could fire accurately at twice the range of the Brit Brown Bess Smooth Bore Musket.

They men who drafted the 2nd understood that quite well, several were inventors, architects, all men of education and understood quite well that weapons tech was going to advance far beyond that era.

The whole point was to ensure that we would be as well equipped with arms that would put us either on even ground or better than any force we might have to repel or otherwise defend against including our own gov’t.

Repeaters and Multi barreled guns had already been invented more than fifty years before the drafting of the 2nd Amendment and they were well aware of that as well.

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Can we please not get into semantics yet again - you know what I mean.

It’s not semantics, there is a huge difference between US law and The US Constitution.

Congress can change a law anytime it wants with the signature of the president.

Our constitution can only be changed through the amendment process which is so difficult it’s only been done 27 times in our history.

Our constitution is the solid foundation everything else rests upon.

… and the Second Amendment protects a God-given unalienable right. It creates nothing.

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Well it does create a barrier to prevent our own gov’t from usurping those rights at least in theory.

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