You know she doesn’t actually have any don’t you?
More BS. The ATF is not limited at all in regulating FFL’s or in cooperating with the states in any way under this administration.
It is illegal for the ATF to compile a searchable list of gun ownership as that amounts to no more less than federal gun registration and properly so.
There’s an army of clerks however scanning in the records of the FFL’s allowing for them to be traced directly to the FFL holders who sold the guns.
Each transfer record individually then can be pulled from the FFL’s records.
A searchable database of ownership isn’t going to solve any crimes we can’t solve right now.
The claim they are unable to enforce current laws due to any restrictions that exist due to NRA lobbying is an outright lie.
Hard to imagine because it’s not going to happen…
This is why our founding fathers made a bad mistake, they should have written in the constitution that the government could not have control of the military. Sooner or later in every civilization a dictator will come along and use the military to suppress the people. The military should be in the hands of the people.
Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.
Except the founding fathers didnt want a standing army
That’s BS. The Denver Post is making that up. The ATF cannot access those records because that Is the law. In fact, the ATF is in violation of the law by keeping those records, let alone creating a database from them.
Well that was the whole point from the beginning, the gun lobby has influenced laws that hobble the ATF.
That would come with its own set of problems…
That first link requires membership to read …
The USA Today article is a distortion of the facts. The law is what dictates what the job of the ATF is. There nothing in the law that prevents them from following the law.

The law is what dictates what the job of the ATF is.
That’s what I keep trying to explain to you. From my earliest comment on this, the point is that the gun lobby has successfully influenced law makers to write laws that hobble the ATF.
From the link…
“The National Tracing Center is the only place in the nation authorized to trace gun sales. Here, researchers with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives make phone calls and pore over handwritten records from across the country to track down gun owners. In contrast with such state-of-the-art, 21st-century crime- fighting techniques as DNA matching and digital fingerprint analysis, gun tracing is an antiquated, laborious process done mostly by hand. The government is prohibited from putting gun ownership records into an easily accessible format, such as a searchable computer database.
For decades, the National Rifle Association has lobbied successfully to block all attempts at such computerization”
I repeat … the law does not keep the ATF from doing their job. The law tells the ATF what their job is.

Shooting is a sport it is also a way for family’s to spend time together just pinking .
A couple of generations ago, the Brits used to do this too.
And I repeat that they are hobbled from doing their job efficiently from having to use archaic means, and that thanks to the gun lobby. Why don’t you actually read the material I posted and address it directly?
The ATF allowed The Washington Post a rare visit to its secure tracing center in Martinsburg, about 90 miles from Washington, providing insight into an archaic process that Cavanaugh likens to a “horse and buggy.”

And I repeat that they are hobbled from doing their job using archaic means, and that thanks to the gun lobby. Why don’t you actually read the material I posted and address it directly?
I read your posted articles and have already commented on them. But do you seriously think that lawmakers only write laws because the are lobbied to write them the way those lobbyists want them to? For every NRA member, there are scores of other Americans who don’t want the ATF to have this information available to them. Most ATF agents that I have known are good people who are sympathetic to the privacy issues gun owners have. But the historical fact of the matter is, gun registration can and frequently does, lead to gun confiscation. It has even happened in this country in several States. It is a very real concern for all gun owners, not just NRA members. You obviously have bought the NRA Boogieman myth perpetratied by the left. Maybe its time for you to think for yourself.