The Religion of Peace is Attacked in New Zealand

I think it is pretty subjective in many aspects of discussion and especially when “they” is used and speaking either in platitudes parables. I want specifics and verifiable facts, not speculation and conjecture when trying to identify the root cause of a problem. Circumstantial evidence doesn’t hold up when trying to solve a murder case where verifiable facts is the threshold to bring a case to a grand jury, and is almost in every case the standard. Its probably why so many at higher levels can get away with murder because they remain one step ahead of said thresholds beyond a reasonable doubt!

People are crazy and are losing their minds, and will try anything such as conflating and using false equivalencies to use such tragedies to go after another cause. Such as AOC trying to use the New Zealand shooting to criticize the NRA.

As Ram Emanuel once said: “never let a good crisis go to waste”

I don’t condone violence against those who we disagree with. But what pisses me off is the outrage from the liberal media and US Politicians over this shooting.

Where were these same people when Muslim terrorists were slaughtering entire villages of Christians?

What else is new? What was the first thing we heard after the Vegas shooting? What was the first thing we heard after Columbine or any of the other school shootings? Never blame the people who actually committed the crimes. It’s always the fault of the victims or the tools they used.

Guess what folks, he isn’t wrong.


Maybe asked the supporters of these same politicians the same question? After all it is them who are not outraged and voted for them!

You are preaching to the choir here. My only question is where are the voices to speak up against this hypocrisy? When was the last time a Conservative Rep came out and held a press conference in defense of Gun owners and call out the same hypocrisy you speak of? Can’t have a pushback if the other side is unwilling to make a stand!

They merge where the rubber meets the road. When socialism is forced upon a people, it is done so by a controlling government. If socialism were 100% voluntary, then no… not the same. But that only happens in old hippy communes in Oregon.

The reason I found it funny was because how the left always somehow get themselves into a pickle. Rather like trans /feminists, feminists /Islam. You know what’s going to happen.

These people (like Clinton) created a monster that is starting to gnaw at them. Soon, they will become the main course.

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What could the ■■■■ mean by this?


All early signs that the world is descending into chaos and the collapse of western civilization is approaching.

Here is further proof when Hamas open fires on its own people! Who would have ever thought?

That you have dust bunnies under your bed?

Here comes Magog with more ■■■ Bashing! Lets see what he comes up with this time? Come on Magog! Spit it out!

Why is it unreasonable to make a connection between ■■■■■■ ownership of mass media and communications outlets, the composition of ■■■■■■ staff at said outlets, and the often anti-white narrative that gets pushed by said outlets. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to put the pieces together here. I am not saying that means that we need to exterminate these people. I am simply saying that it is quite reasonable to draw causal relation between ■■■■■■ interests and majority ■■■■■■ ownership/staffing of the mainstream media. It should be questioned.


Who OWNS the media? Like, duh! Come on!


Who is talking about media?

Scroll up a few posts and look at the context. You will see why multiple people are responding with media centric posts.

Right but, what does this have to do with the New Zealand Mass shooting? Propaganda? How it is being reported?

Sorry you have to be a little more specific! And BTW you are not telling me anything new here!