The Religion of Peace is Attacked in New Zealand

How many cathedrals are there in Saudi Arabia? These “people” are coming to our nations to take over. They do not assimilate and they find much about our culture “offensive”, this is how you conduct an unarmed takeover of a nation. We also know who is behind this push for multiculturalism of incompatible cultures. Spare me your leftist PC outrage. No one gives a shit.


This is a good time to share an old video I made in '07ish on a bored day. Come get some AppleJews flavored Jihad Juice!


So - they are only charging one shooter but this video clearly shows two men? I am starting to think that there might be something to the false flag claims.

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waves to the squealing posters lurking from other sites


Mass murderers seem to have a common trait of somehow finding some cause or justification for their evil deeds. Personal, political, or religious, it is but a mask for their being murderers at heart. They started out wanting to kill, and couldn’t face that they were weak, ineffectual, social losers, who harbored murder in their hearts, so as to feel empowered.

They’re not mentally ill. They’re egocentric to the max, and pure evil!

Elsewhere, 150,000 people died today.

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Probably wouldn’t work too well, she’s female.

Last I heard 4 arrests, three to be charged. Of course it’s still a developing situation and they are looking for more people thinking there’s an organized cell.

That’s certainly not true in all cases. Many of our own mass shooters are mentally damaged or defective in some form or other and want to go out in a blaze of glory having been famous (noticed) on the way out.

Most school massacre shooters fall into this category.

I would argue that “Faith and God” was one of the first things the Neo-Marxists attacked and was a primary objective to topple Free democratic societies, because such concepts was seen as a pillar that provided a construct for the moral code that citizens abides by.

That last image is a photoshopped photo! Of course maybe its intentional.

The message? Well when I played the video, a audio clip from a different site was playing at the same time on my computer by accident, such as a reporter talking about the New Mexico vote on legalizing marijuana. This happened by mistake of course but I thought it was interesting while viewing your video because overall I was thinking misdirection and distraction.

Hmm? Interesting! Where did you get this photo? The one I posted earlier had his entire face blurred out!

Nonsense, they were doing the cha-cha dance all the way up until the killing. It’s totally legit.

Want to know the first dead give away? Look at the lighting! It doesn’t match!

Photo too dark. Can’t see. :rofl: I’m going to bed. Night everyone!

Oh well this is rather interesting.

"According to his manifesto, the shooter — who massacred civilians at two mosques in New Zealand’s city of Christchurch — appears to subscribe to a number of ideologies. The document is riddled with white nationalist talking points, and the shooter describes himself as a “fascist.” He also castigates Muslims as “the most despised group of invaders in the west.”

Yet elsewhere in the document, the shooter describes himself as a socialist, “depending on the definition.” The shooter also declares his support for “environmentalism,” “worker’s rights,” and “responsible markets."

Are the terms “socialism and Fascism” synonymous? I am seriously starting to wonder!

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Right wing means small state, more so just an administrative body, minimal or no state interference, free will and free markets. Socialism is state control and the suppression of free will. You cannot suppress without fascism. So the ever so intelligent left have rather got their knickers in a twist in their desperation to spew the most hateful insults.

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There isn’t that much you can talk about that’s happening in the world that they don’t have a hand in. Whether it is considered coincidence or intentional is the debate. China and Israel been getting cozy too.


This is why I question EVERYTHING.

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This made me laugh.

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