The Religion of Peace is Attacked in New Zealand

The region is highly volcanic and on an active fault line so it’s no wonder.

Care to elaborate as to why? These types of dismissive statements without any rationale or logic don’t serve to further the discussion.

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The claim is pure BS, how much detail is necessary?

Why is it pure BS? Because you say so? Opinions are like assholes - everyone’s got one and they all stink. How about you try elaborating a bit.

Seriously, this is just more hate and violence adding to the problem.

Innocent people don’t deserve to be murdered period no matter their faith or race.

It’s BS because there are no facts to support the claim, just more ■■■ hating BS.

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Yeah miss me with that Israel is our greatest ally stuff, shabbo. You have access to the internet, no excuse for being uninformed in the current year.


The term “racist” has been so badly used and abused it has virtually no meaning anymore. If you oppose something folks on the left support you’re a racist.

Wait… a simple assertion was made without rationale or logic. But you demand that rationale and logic be presented to refute the original u supported assertion?

Real Vikings don’t see ■■■■ under every bed.

Also: the problem is people who are Woke, who are politically correct, who are Leftists. If it weren’t for these sorts of things many countries couldn’t be plagued with wusses whilst importing heathens.

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Holy shit my dude! That’s exactly right which is why Swedenistan so is fucked up now!


You should take a look into who is actually importing the heathens.


I noticed a while back leftist sneering when “thoughts and prayers” are conveyed in light of a tragedy.

What is the politically correct thing to say these days to express you sympathy for victims and to let them know you have said prayers for them?

Silly things like Faith and God are of little importance compared to the immortal science of intersectional neo-Marxism. The correct thing to have done is to apologise for being alive/white/a male/straight/a straight white male who has not done the decent thing and OD’d on opioids yet.


Notice how the media is only talking about muh white shooter trying to pin all of this on white nationalism. Here is the shooter’s partner (clearly not a white guy) - who is being memory holed faster than the CIA connections of the Las Vegas shooter.



I suppose “thoughts and prayers” is just to neutral. Anyone who is not screaming bloody murder at the top of their lungs just needs to shut up.

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based and red pilled

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White people’s heads sawed off…crickets. Live stream it on twitter! Crickets. Burn whitey in a cage. Crickets. Sharia law for all!!! Crickets.

The real crime here is that there are mosques in New Zealand.