The Religion of Peace is Attacked in New Zealand

Fuck you.

A few posts up a poster says we should celebrate the killer.

That’s your fucking thread. Exactly like Magog and his anti-semitic bullshit.

Go back to your circle jerk with the white supremacist bigots here - just bring a towel and mop up when you are done.

Very testy - looks like we have an enemy of free speech here.


You are such a fucking hypocrite! If you felt so strongly about it then why bother commenting on this thread? The reason is you always have a fucking agenda! Now go fuck yourself because I am sure you enjoy doing that!

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That isn’t illegal. You may not like it but people have the right to say that they support him. I know the news put a smile on my face today.

Remember when we all said “never forget” after 9/11. Apparently some of us forgot and our countries have been overrun. All I see here is one man who didn’t forget and is trying to restore the balance.


Wrong. Because it is only Islam that generates issues, and has for 14 centuries, when people try to emulate its so-called prophet.

When people try to emulate Christ they do not become violent. Nor when folks try to emulate the likes of Buddha or Confucius.

So if you’re not wanting to exclude those of other races, only Islam which isn’t a race or practiced by just one race, then it isn’t pro-white. If you’re not wanting to exclude all non-Christians, only Islam, it isn’t pro-Christian. If you’re not wanting to exclude all non-European stock, only Muslims wherever they come from or look like, it isn’t pro-European.

It is ONLY against Islam. And being against Islam is not just a historically nuanced attitude for any other civilization wanting to have its own laws, its own traditions and, well, to remain the civilization it is it is ultimately the correct attitude for all non-Muslim cultures to embrace.

The scriptures of Islam are themselves the core of the problem. They cannot be reformed. The Koran stands ready to be picked up by any sane individual wanting to take his faith seriously and transform them into another Maj, Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter.

The real Islamophobes are not those critical of and flatly opposed to Islam, but those who will do things like whitewash the report of the Fort Hood shooting to remove references to Islam so as to appease the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Your enemies don’t care, they’ll call you a supremacist anyway- which was what I was talking about.

PS: ■■■■ have generated far more issues, and are the hand that opened the gates at Toledo, Constantinople and Libya.


If I cared what my enemies thought of me I’d be more progressive rather than a Deplorable.

I celebrate what they decry if only because it irritates the crud out of them. If they want a statue down I’d personally put up another, if they want a name changed I’d take back some earlier name change. If they demand I care For their Woke SJW nonsense I’d show them my empty box of ****s I give.

Constantinople fell because a European sold the heathens cannon which enabled the walls to be breeched.

Muslims killed or enslaved everyone in those North African cities. Depopulation is why the towns still exist to be deemed world heritage sites rather than having long ago been scavenged for their stone. Even if as you assert some particular folks in one town had acted treacherously how stupid do you think those in other towns were once they saw what the Muslims were doing?

As for Toledo, once again what some Person may do is not what a race does. You need to revisit set theory.

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Ok, Shlomo. That’s enough from you today.

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My name is of Viking origin.

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Looks like the shooter has read the Jihadi book on 5th Generation warfare.
The Brits would be the most experienced western democracy at what works in a conflict involving two ideologies utilizing 5th generation warriors and tactics.
Sounds like the attack was perpetrated by a cell. It makes me wonder how well deep the organization goes.

I think my using the word “deep” could be in error the organization could be horizontal.

It almost sounds like a bunch of libs after 9/11.

That reminds me of the lib refrain …Chickens coming home to roost…will they apply it this time?


Makes sense…the level of cuckoldry in Sweden is unprecedented.

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…and reminiscent of the reasons OBL went after us… too many westerners where they didnt belong.

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You mean like this?


The word inevitable doesn’t apply?

If you have to try to be smart you aren’t.

What would they call you? Anti Muslim.

Well that’s pure BS.