The Religion of Peace is Attacked in New Zealand

No. You don’t know Magog! He has his own thread for this subject matter, And just to be clear, I don’t go to his thread and try to derail it by introducing the same constant nonsense that he always posts in other threads!

Now if you want to speak of ORGS, and certain people, I am open to that, but making accusations about ■■■■ this and ■■■■ that, then the conversation devolves into conspiracy theories.

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…as is Islamophobia. The term was fabricated by Islamist leaders to attach the victim moniker to Islam.

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Do it
Bet you think Verv should be unbanned too.

Post another article that is not related to this thread and I will!

Yep same with anti-semitism


That’s Jordan B Peterson level gatekeepin’, son

No its not! And watch who your calling son! I am sure I got more years on you!

It is related - the problem is not Islam per se, it is unfettered immigration

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You posted the same nonsense in the RH and now you are just trying to recycled it here because you have no new material! So please spare me your bullshit! If I wanted to talk about your conspiracy theories on ■■■■ I would have joined the threads that you created. I am asking you to show the same respect, if you can’t do that then I will e-mail the moderators to remove you from this conversation, because quite frankly it will be easy to make the case. The choice is up to you.

I didn’t post it for you - but you are free to read it, or not, as you wish

Don’t care! I created this thread not for the intentions to discuss ■■■■■■ Conspiracy theories, by virtue this isn’t a thread created by you. This is a thread discussing the tragic events that happened in New Zealand! Are we done here? Because I would like to continue my conversation on this topic that I created.

You created this thread to discuss the events in NZ - I think that looking into the root causes of such events is important and relevent

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This man was a genius. He wrote a manifesto, recorded bodycam footage, and played remove kebab on the way there. This man delivered on every level and he deserves praise.

If its rooted in facts and not conspiracy theories like you often so much want to do. I think that is why Verve called you out on it so much, because that all you like to do! Like I said you already created your own thread on this topic, don’t try to derail my thread or I will formally start writing the moderators to file a complaint!

This is a wise man. By way of political correctness, the Western world is inviting its own extinction and blaming weapons rather than murderers.

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But isn’t that how it always is in today’s parroted narrative? Like Climate Change? Or any other issue that is forced fed by the political establishment talking points. Hell! Even AOC is out making her rounds using this tragedy to attack the NRA, and its not even related.

How is this thread - in which people openly celebrate the murder of Muslims, and others blame the victims, and others suggest this is a false flag, all that much different from Magog threads in which he does the same thing to the ■■■■■

Go fist yourself! I am not going there with you.

I agree. They are essentially the same.

No they are not you fucking moron! Go read and stop trying to conflate the context in this thread, No one suggested a false flag operation, Larry was asking me a question not suggesting it! How stupid do you have to be to believe your bullshit half the time? Seriously! You’re just as bad as Prag! Annoying fucking prick!