The Religion of Peace is Attacked in New Zealand

I find this very sad, but I can’t disagree with it.


That’s one hell of an opener. He removed kebab which is positive for the west. Let’s not armchair quaterback removal efforts.


"The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place,’ he said.

Senator Fraser Anning said while Muslims were the victims in this instance, they were usually the perpetrators.

*‘Worldwide, Muslims are killing people in the name of their faith on an industrial scale,’ he said. *

‘The entire religion of Islam is simply the violent ideology of a sixth century despot masquerading as a religious leader, which justifies endless war against anyone who opposes it and calls for the murder of unbelievers and apostates.’"

Funny how he is being accused of being a “white Supremacist” because he is pretty much speaking the truth. I wonder how many cases in all countries in which Fraser can cite as violence being perpetrated by Muslims? Quite a few I would imagine, and people are shocked that the blow-back finally manifested in a mass shooting by a white male? Fraser has a pair to stand up and state the obvious!


Is he against any other race? Islam isn’t a race. Plenty of white Muslims. I guess the “racist” and “Islamaphobic” tags have worn rather thin, so they have have to go stronger. Now it is “white supremacist.” That will become meaningless too, just a leftie insult for anyone who dares tell the truth.

Murdering those lousy bastards by the bushel didn’t seem to do any good either.

Amen, Brother. For you lefty lurkers, imagine if someone offered you a house, free healthcare for life and tripled your current wages, and all you had to do was to get yourself to Hawaii.

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A bit harder to cross the Pacific in a rubber dinghy than the English Channel.

Ok, insert other relative paradise to make the concept work.

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Yeah the trouble was that it’s permitted for ■■■■ to be Islamophobic, which conflated ■■■■ with Whites too much for their purposes. Thus the reframe.

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The typical leftist talking point is “we need to have a conversation” about X.

This sounds like a great conversation starter that we should be having all over the world.


I totally agree! Isn’t it time that the religion known as Islam be forced to confront its barbarity, medieval beliefs and start the process known as reformation, much like what Christianity was forced to do?

The intolerant meet the same .

Islam is little more than a cult that is thinly veiled as a religion. I see the same in some areas of Christianity, Judaism, and other major religions ( organized religions ). I am not a religious fanatic; but I do try to follow the basic teachings of Christ & the Buddha. My grandmother always said: “There was War in Heaven; how can you expect Peace on Earth”. I want no part of any religion with doctrines that lead to human misrery. Far too much mortal inout in all major religions. I repeat myself concerning Christ & the Buddha: DO NO HARM IN MY NAME - - - GO AND TRY TO SIN NO MORE. That alone is a hard road to navigate.


That is a great one to quote! A very profound one to say in the least!

Exactly. Problem is … it is 1000 years behind. We will have a long wait.

Maybe, but its never too late, unfortunately how many more will have to die before we actually arrive there? Maybe at the point when Muslims face annihilation by a world wide uprising or some other phenomenon?

Interestingly enough, the Guardian has decided that the best thing to do is for the media to censor all “far right” people, before more people who live in white countries are killed by angry whites.

I can’t help but think that everything we are seeing is the bi-product of the Soros owned NGO’s and other multi-national heads that perpetrated this monster for the sole purpose of gaining control of the masses from an ideological bent. We are seeing it everywhere. They control the media who repeat such terms as way of conditioning the masses who then parrot the same themes and identify it as political correctness. I remember President Trump being called a white Supremacist for having nationalistic views, despite him doing charitable work in the past with African American communities, yet the media used the term over and over again. Also calling him a racist and using the term so much that its completely lost ts meaning.

Fraser’s critics just can’t face the truth! They were so bent on importing a people with extreme ideological views and now the chickens are coming home to roost and the only thing to do is call him a “white supremacist” for expressing the truth in stark terms. They simply can’t handle it.


Islam would never reform. It is their whole belief that they interpret the Koran literally, word for word. The Koran can never be changed or adapted. Billions of Muslims would die by that.

Well, when such people call for banning white people, or shall we say far right, they know that they have demographics on their side. At least for now anyway, because they can pretty much say anything without fear of reprisals, but little do they know they are only breeding more contempt with such rhetoric that simmers below the surface in which over time will only further encourage another mass shooting! Masuma Rahim is right about this, however her perspective of trying to make it about far right as the culprit is not only exposing her own ignorant dogma, but fails at every measure of solving the problem. So war it is!

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