The Religion of Peace is Attacked in New Zealand

Hasbara trolls maybe

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When ■■■■ have the track record of suicide bombing here and in Europe that radical Muslims have and when they shoot up nightclubs and our military installations in the name of Moses, get back to us.

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Well you have to be a little more specific in your example! The New Zealand shooting massacre involved Muslim victims, and the shooter was allegedly a white male who viewed Muslims with contempt due to immigration and litany of other factors associated with Muslim culture and their beliefs. Also there is already an established track record from Fanatical Muslims who consistently have been carrying out terrorist attacks all over the world. My question is, are ■■■■ doing the same? Its a fair question and probably why you are seeing a wide range from extreme to reasonable opinions on this forum about this subject matter!

If immigration is the problem behind the NZ attack maybe we should stop encouraging it or is diversity still our strength?


Look who is trolling?

Whats the matter no one is paying attention to you on your threads? Troll!

The alleged shooter or shooters? Be careful you aren’t just repeating the narrative.

Or massive in-group preference nepotists. Nothing wrong with that, but it’s not a meritocratic or progressive position to hold.

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True! I don’t know all the facts, so I am not assuming anything right now!

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Or they could just be related. Blood is thicker than water, especially with the elite.

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I can agree with this, but this applies to all classes not just ■■■■■ With the recent college admissions scandal in the US, it certainly reinforces the idea that we are experiencing modern day Aristocracy, and that transcends all people! Lets not pretend that it doesn’t and castigate one particular group of people!

Do you understand what per capita is?

Of course I do. And I know where you are headed with this, so provide proof to back up your argument!

“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”
Why don’t you ask for proof that liberals who decry Capitalism make billions doing so using the very system they’re decrying? (Michael Moore, anyone?) It would make about as much sense.

@ash … expert on “per capita”… not so much on “correlation”, as distinct from “cause and effect”.

Or Nancy Pelosi’s husband who made millions by bankrupting a Solar panel manufacturing company that Obama had gave Tax payers dollars to for incentives.

I am new here and I don’t care what any of you think about my position. The fire rises. New Zealand is waking up. I hope the rest of the West follows suit. Politicians who are calling this bullshit out are hitting back. Good stuff. Let’s prepare for the fight to come instead of bickering amongst ourselves. It’s happening whether we want it to or not.


Welcome Jack! I agree! Thanks for the post!


The more I see of Fraser the more I like him! What a little punk, and stupid one one at that! Fraser is no midget and probably had a hundred pounds on him! Good! Glad to see Fraser stand up for himself!



I bet that’s the first time that little pussy has ever been hit.

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Welcome. May your posts be filled with right and wisdom. Inshallah.