The Religion of Peace is Attacked in New Zealand

I guess we’ve moved into personal attacks now. I must have struck a nerve.

You went to college. They didn’t teach you how to think? Apparently, that’s the purpose of a degree these days. Are you going to tell me what to think now too?

…he says after posting this.

Since you automatically assumed that was directed at you I can only assume the shoe fits.

Then who was it directed to then? Come on man!

Watch the video. I’m sure you can figure it out.

You are not saying anything new here. We all know or least I can speak for myself that all of MSM is operating from a template fed by the deep state to provide propaganda to the masses. So what is your point? I thought you came here to have a discussion? So have at it and stop with the innuendos!

My point is, does it even matter if they’re ■■■■■ The media has been infiltrated by the powerful and the wealthy. Educational institutions have been infiltrated by the powerful and the wealthy. Government has been infiltrated by the powerful and the wealthy. Seeing a pattern yet? The fact that they also happen to be ■■■■ is irrelevant. If they were Muslim, Hindu, or Christian, we’d be in exactly the same place. But don’t dare speak up about it, because then you’re being anti-semitic. Whatever that’s supposed to mean.

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Ummm… the issues that ■■■ haters have with the twin towers are matters of science and engineering. We cited facts. I’m not sure what difficult puzzles and epistemological conundrums you think need to be resolved in order to understand how the aircraft brought down those structures.

I’m not sure what that has to do with this thread or what I’m trying to discuss in it. But carry on.

Just that non-muslim ■■■ haters seem to be pulled from the …ahhh… forgive me… lower rungs of the education ladder. Thus, their ability for independent, critical, analytical thought is in question.

Way to sound like an elitist buddy. :clap:

OK Great!! Now that is something I can agree with! Was that so hard? You are absolutely correct, which is why I always question people and insist on facts when ever they are making broad accusations without proof. BTW, you shouldn’t be attacking Call_me_Ismael, because he is right when it came to the discussion from Magog’s threads. I never bothered with it myself because I always know its a one sided argument from my experiences of interactions I had with Magog, and that is all Call_Me_Ismael was trying to point out!

I tried to be gentle. I’m no elitist. My own Dad didnt even have a high school diploma. But he stuck with what he knew and was not so gullible as to believe whatever haters told him.

I didn’t. And I won’t weigh in on Magog’s thread. I don’t feel it’s relevant to this discussion. I also only ever made one post in it, so if you want to know my stance, it’s still there for all to see.

Ok. Fair enough, and I appreciate your honest response!

Seriously - what is up with the ■■■ worship?

They should not be immune from criticism. Nor should any group of people on this planet. I’m so sick and tired of ■■■■ getting special treatment. Why is it not okay to criticize them?

All of you here falling on your swords defending them should be able to articulate this.

But…you don’t and you won’t.

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I believe my own eyes and ears. I’m not suggesting anyone else do otherwise.

No one is saying you can’t criticize anyone, except what isn’t acceptable is making broad accusations without facts to back them up!

Hey… me too.
But my eyes and ears are connected to a brain, educated and trained by decades of experience in technology, engineering, and science.

No one here seems to have a problem criticizing Muslims without citing facts and sources. Calling a spade a spade on this one.

There is an obvious double standard.