🇺🇸 THE UNREAL official presidential thread 2024 🇺🇸

No. Divorced for almost 10 years. No desire to have another woman in my life…lol.

What about a man? I hear we have a few in the closet. @Dr_Manhattan @LouMan @tt53

I’ll pass… thanks anyway. :neutral_face:

Hope you prayed today.

I pray every day. I’m done here, before I get yelled at again for trivial commentary. :joy:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Just facts … trump is the man!

What a cuck

This guys reminds me of a few on here

Wouldn’t mind seeing GOYA ceo Bob Unanue run for president… after trump of course… maybe a nice VP

Here is my message to board of directors at fox new Paul Ryan! You coward, you traitor! Step down! Don’t you dare use your position to silence trump on fox! I hope everyone defies you!
Trump 2024! Nothing will stop us!!

I agree with you on the Paul Ryan thing. Trump might win, but I highly doubt it.

If Ron doesn’t run, trump wins easy. BUT if Ron runs and trump doesn’t debate well, it’s over. So I’ll wait until the debates to call it.

Trump needs a bannon type advisor, Ben Franklin of today.
Limit his truths, stop bullying Ron, it’s not working out for him. Right now

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If DeSantis doesn’t run, I still don’t think Trump can win. Too much crap has happened since he left office. It think the majority of the population that voted for him… twice, will not vote for him again. Then again… ya never know. Trumps biggest supporters are people my age, men AND women. I talk to enough of them every week… I know. Most are on the fence, and some say they will absolutely not vote for him again. I WILL vote for him if he’s on the ballot. I just don’t think he has enough support this time around… too many younger people that hate him.

Trump is his own worst enemy.

Trump is more attractive to young voters than you think, I’m young. Some of the most influential young political commentators online or in their 20s and 30s and they all are pulling for Trump.

Again, we have to see how he responds in the debates if he chokes like he did in 2020, he will lose to Ron, and DONT debate with a left wing mod against Biden. Force biden to debate with a conservative moderator like Sean Hannity.

I know quite a few young people that are for Trump. I just think that the majority don’t like him… or at least just fall for the general rhetoric put out by the MSM.

It will be interesting to see how it goes down closer to 2024.

If we can stop the cheat in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, trump wins big

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Trump is going to get indicted on a bogus charge, they are going to perp walk him to court, this is going to cause a huge new group of trump supporters. Watch

We can’t let punks like this win

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