The real official duplicated Tucker and Elon have a chat interview. Duplicated just like Jit the Zit does

You didn’t do shit.

You’re a big mouth like RUMP as well as a racist and there is no place in this country for people like you.


Lou are you threatening me?

He is Rump’s ball sack!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Are you taking about men’s ball sacks again? Lol

I think he has a fetish lol

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Hey it’s the ball sack guy lol

Crawl back in you hole and continue playing with your self try contributing something useful for a change. You are the example of why people hate Trump so much.

p.s. Take your clone the american closet queen with you.

There is not 1 topic on this site you don’t trash

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Hey Jizzer I wonder what law enforcement authorities would do if they found out you are breaking the law by impersonating people online? Maybe they should be contacted by giving them your real name huh?

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Hey it’s sleepy Lou, who’s so dumb he duplicates his own threads lol

Aren’t you the guy that wrote something impersonating me as a
Pedophile? Interesting…

Yeah you don’t want to get disbarred do you? Punk ass lol

Easy to say hiding in your rainbow basement.

Maybe we should contact Tony himself and inform him that Jizzard the bed-wetting loser is illegally using his name on this website? I wonder if that would be enough for him to contact the authorities and to ban you from this website?

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Im pretty sure you’re the only one here that has connected the two lol making false allegations. Lol

Nope! Jizzard! We know its you and only a moron like you continues with trying to pass it off as being someone else. We have records and can easily prove who you are.

Secondly you know nothing about the law otherwise you wouldn’t be so ignorant to be breaking it by unlawfully impersonating other people here.

§ 53a-130. Criminal impersonation: Class A misdemeanor

We’ll file that paper work you pedophile lol

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When Is Online Impersonation a Crime?

There are specific scenarios in which online impersonation rises to the level of a crime. Typically, this refers to any situations in which electronic communication or internet access is used to assume the identity of someone else. Depending on the scope of what was done with that online access or impersonation of the other person, additional charges may apply.

Could also mean liability threats to this website if the person brings forth charges and links to posts being made on this site as evidence.

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I guess you’re still going to pretend you didn’t alter my post to say i wrote something sexual about a child. Those words were written by you. Do you know what will happen to your career if you keep opening you stupid mouth? Lol

Go F off you pathetic coward lol

Lets find out what the law says Jizzard. You can complain all you want with your fake accusations of changing or altering your posts in order to deflect from your pathological lies that no one, and I mean no one here buys. I am a lawyer I know the law, and you do not and you have no power over me. So go ahead and go forth with more threats and fake posts. So I say lets find out what the law says when we contact the enforcement arm of your region. Triangulating your area code and conducting skip tracing techniques wouldn’t be hard to find who and where are are, as well as subpoenaing communication records through law enforcement apparatuses.

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