The real official duplicated Tucker and Elon have a chat interview. Duplicated just like Jit the Zit does

A shame the articles posted do not generate any original thought from YOU. It’s what they are intended to do as well as keep people informed which you are not… Idiot+

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Ok PB Biden lol …………

Yep! Which is why ignoring him most of the time is probably even better. He is an attention seeking depraved loser who is a first rate d-bag!


You’re the Kamala Harris of the Lou Biden presidency lol

Most see you as a complete pain in the ass…

So many issues today and all you have is YOU, a dumb ass.

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Dumba$$? You are being too kind Louman!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What is hilarious is this thread ends up getting more action than his original silly Pucker thread! LMAO!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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You sound a we bit jealous there Joe Biden lol

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Keep your expectations low Louman. The Jizzard is a HS drop out with a 6th grade education as he doesn’t know how to talk to people let alone write a complete sentence to save his life!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Jealous? Jealous of what exactly? You write with shallow limited imagination! What exactly do you think people should be jealous of you for? Again you are delusional!

The extent of your intelligence? :grin:

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This is the same moron who writes on a 6th grade level claims he writes summaries!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He doesn’t even know what a thesis or a summary is! Talk about inventing stupid, he proves it here daily!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I find it strange that he is criticizing others here about lack of writing when essentially he is guilty of doing the same things. Something is very mental with him or her or whatever it identifies as these days. Just strange! :tired_face:

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One thing is for certain Biden in his current state of dementia is more intelligent than you. That’s amazing since he’s one step above a vegetable.

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Sleepy Lou! What’s up brotha! Haha

No doubt about that he is a pathic LOSER .
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Jitmoo is the person we looked for in elementary school to kick the shit out of.

The pathetic moron of the school

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Ok sleepy Lou Biden lol

He exhibits behavior of a person who got stuffed in a locker a few times.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



That’s what I did to all the Indian tribes in America lol


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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