The real official duplicated Tucker and Elon have a chat interview. Duplicated just like Jit the Zit does

Lol I think you should stfu and now.

I know the law also, and what you wrote will destroy your career.

Take a hike

Again, you are liar and an ignorant moron who doesn’t know when to quit. So maybe teaching you a lesson should be in short order! Jason, Joseph Warren!

Go ahead and post what I wrote! I dare you! I know you won’t because you will only further incriminate yourself with the rest of the lies you like to express here! So please, please post it! I dare you!

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No I keep it in my back pocket call it a wild card, and if it was to so happen to disappear, I’m sure a subpoena of your phone records in all the sites data will be suffice heheh

Again F off

Yeah Ok! Just like I figured, all fking talk for gutless POS like you! You don’t have shit because just like the rest of your BS talking nonsense here its all a lie! Your best attribute is being a sociopath and a pathological liar.

Maybe its time to put in a phone call to Tony’s family to let them know someone is illegally impersonating him here on Political Bullpen by the name of Jason Joseph Warren.

Still got your Venmo account? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Lol who is Tony? I think your derangement of jitss is going to write checks your ass can’t cash

Lets ask him! The person you are impersonating here.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Lol I’ve told everyone here I’m
Related to
Dr Joseph Warren … lol my identity isn’t hidden like yours … I have nothing to hide… do you?

Yeah OK Einstein! You are the dumb criminal variety and can’t even lie very well!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Daily tragic controversies draw comments but little insight. Let’s let the police do their job.

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Again you’re the only one that is guilty of a serious crime not me

Prove it! You keep saying it, but you produce nothing. Hot air from you as usual and its why you prove it here day in and day out what a loser and clown you are. You are nobody but a street criminal and someday legal jeopardy is going to catch up to you.

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You what you did, if was vile
Disgusting comment

You what you did, if was vile
Disgusting comment

Engrish please

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Prove it scumbag or shut your fking pathetic piehole!

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Rump, rump ,rump jisssbags homie .
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


If I ever have to prove it you won’t like the end results lol

All talk as usual from a stupid person! That is all you do here is talk without any substance to back up anything you claim! Thanks you continue to show the world what an asshole loser looks like and that is you. If I were you I would be more worried about covering your legal 6 than talking with your 6th grade ignorance again!


George Carlin made this video for you! Because you truly are a stupid person! He is talking about you!

:laughing: :rofl: :rofl:


American queen speaks

Back to the Jit the zit identity