The real official duplicated Tucker and Elon have a chat interview. Duplicated just like Jit the Zit does

There is NOTHING Christian about jissssbag , I believe the Pope and Mother Theresa both spit in his face at one time . :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Whatever that means, he is definitely a conflicted and tormented soul!

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Will you be my friend? Can I share the hot tub with you and manny? lol

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What’s your obsession with Hot tubs? Freudian slip on your part? :smiley:

Your sarcasm = a insecure and fragile personality


I’m a fragile little boy lol

No just another extremist jerk off giving the right a bad name.



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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This you? Lmao

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Talk about reaching and grasping at straws, you prove beyond a doubt he lives in your head rent free! I actually think he said that to you already but it’s worth mentioning again when your responses are children’s grade level! :sweat_smile:

Self awareness? What a concept to some who are completely aloof to their own senses! :grin:

Ah yes the Jizzard who regularly chokes his chicken proves Smiley’s previous point being true. He is a talent less below average intelligence d-bag whose lame responses is indicative of someone who ingested too may lead based paint chips when he was a child! Might explain why he rode the short bus to school!

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Christian? Ha! The bible warns about people like Jizzard of pretending to be something they are not! He serves Satan and no one else! The Devil regularly fks him up the a$$!


Look at your fan club lol! You really have these guys on some derangement issues lol

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Jit the zit reappears as the cloned American queen failure.

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You continue the charade and it’s comedy for us to witness! :smiley:

And you don’t lie? :sweat_smile:

Looks like you’re their new target lol

No you continue to post stupid shit, creating topics that are your personal playgrounds for more inane drivel.

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I think I’m the only person you add a summary to. All your post are copy and paste. Hey at least I have you thinking lol

What jisssbag is is a pathic LOSER !!! The only way the turd can get a response from someone is by making rude childish remarks . he post and posts with them being ignored , which pisses him off . :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


You respond to me every day :rofl::rofl::rofl: you don’t even know what day it is. You’re so high lol