The Rabbit Hole

Of course you don’t want to give the impression of being a quitter or weak in argument, especially dealing with a psycho.

Bottom line. You don’t die of Covid 19 or whatever they call it.

If somebody dies from it, or with it, he or she was killed by the mafia.

Mostly, I just let stuff go without comment. Why comment when the village idiot calls you stupid? Or when guys insult each other without any sense of humor, it’s just blah-blah. Any goofball can call people names, and the ones who do it the most are usually the biggest goofballs. And clods who always need to get the last word, I let them have it early. That stops the logorrhea.

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These people claim they are serving humanity.
I think AI is as good as the people who make and run it.

Prof. Senf on todays financial system.
Partially in English. (in English) (only in German)

Today’s debt-based, interest-bearing banking needs to go bust at one point or another.
The banksters know it, and they do it regularly with least damage to themselves.


Yes, I know.
But the whole idea of a forum is to conduct arguments in a fair and intelligent way.

(I have come to new insights in various forums while “arguing” with really stupid individuals. Thus I could learn new things while they nothing.)

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There are many prominent, qualified experts that agree that shutdowns are extremely harmful to society…more so than the few deaths caused by a virus that is less deadly than many other ailments for which we have no cure available.

Please note that their declaration is open to signing by all who agree with it.

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It is not a sign of weakness to end a futile pissing contest with an imbecile. It is rather a sign of wisdom and a courtesy to others who are perturbed with the continuing puerile bantering within what might be an otherwise enjoyable thread.

So what if the stupid fucker has the last word? Consider it being kind to a dumb animal by letting him think he’s won. We will recognize the real winner!

Ignore him!

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Does Triffins paradox explain why the reset is ineviitable?

Boris only “follows the science” when it suits the agenda. He has his two muppets, Unbalanced and Witless.

I remember @StuFX’s bust up with him. Said if it was real life, he’d get his teeth knocking against his tonsils or something like that. Dr Mad suddenly turned from yappy dog to pathetic, grovelling puppy. Says it all. :joy:

(I like northerners, no messing. :grin:)


You should carry on as though he had said nothing, and particularly do not answer anything he posts which is aimed at you. Certainly do not rise to the antagonism. I have called him out a few times, but I am not prepared to make it a full time job. For one thing that would be too much typing.


Oh, I don’t mind the typing part.
Freedom of expression (without being harassed) exists only here in The Rabbit Hole and I really appreciate it.


No need for fear


Yep he’ll be gone by easter

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Getting death threats, maybe?

Wait and see who will be US President.

They know civil unrest will rise when the public realizes that the old financial systems are collapsing.

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