The Rabbit Hole

Democracy is mob rule.
Who benefits from the fake pandemic?

I wonder if this is all about removing the world’s dummies as it’s hard to imagine any sane individual falling for this and similar claptrap.

We(our children) may not have a choice - think Australia - No jab, No job.

Also known as natural selection.

The long neck of the giraffe is not the result of many generations of giraffes, trying to stretch their necks. Natural selection postulates that individuals with long necks have a better chance of survival (than short-necked ones) and thus are more likely to leave their DNA to posterity.

1: directional selection: a single extreme phenotype favoured.
2, stabilizing selection: intermediate favoured over extremes.
3: disruptive selection: extremes favoured over intermediate.
X-axis: phenotypic trait
Y-axis: number of organisms
Group A: original population
Group B: after selection

The powers that be appear to be aiming at #2 above:
They want to remove the smart ones (because they are dangerous) and dumb ones (because they are useless).
They prefer mediocre ones who are smart enough to do the task well and yet not too smart.

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When this fuckfest is over someone will ask was it really worth it?

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Perhaps the City of London, Washington DC and Vatican need to die for humanity to survive.

IDIOTS still believe Gates vaccines are safe.

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Yes I realise that mate, it just amazes me the level of conformity, it kind of reminds me of the old “Candid Camera”, I mean some of that stuff … you just had to be a complete moron not to see through the situation. The more that conform the more the imposition of even greater levels of absurdity, it’s so unbelievable that I keep thinking it will end with a statement from governments saying it was a social experiments based on advice from some clowns in WHO !!

On a more positive note - I have noticed a change in attitudes at my local Co-op store. After being steadfastly in the govt knows best camp since Jan there are now more and more ppl starting to wake up and ask questions - maybe there is hope after all.

Looks like not everyone at WHO is bought and paid for after all

Dr. David Nabarro, Britain’s envoy to the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) has contradicted the WHO and his own Boris Johnson.

Let us hope so mate.

The hidden agenda is not so hidden anymore.

The reset will not occur until there is a loss of confidence in money. I cannot predict when that might happen, I can only say that it will not happen whilst you can still swap pieces of plastic (which represent an hour’s work) for a burger and chips, or a gallon of fuel, and the value of “an hour’s work” has not changed in the 2 days between earning and spending.

Savers … see my note above, although if one had saved and hoped to make use of interest income to enhance affluence or pay for the cost of living then yes a saver is not a happy person.

Mortgages … have become noticeably cheaper. When I bought m first house 9% was a typical rate. The current “standard variable rate” (SVR) is now half that figure. My son has a 2% fix for 5 years.

Let’s just think about that. If lenders are offering fixed rate deals it means that they believe rates are not going to move up in the foreseeable future. To see the thinking behind this look at the difference in rates between a 10-year fix and a 5-year fix. I confess that I haven’t looked recently but when I last did look a 10-year fix was around 3.2% compared to a 5-year fix at 2.5%.

These are the people who lack savings and these lockdowns have put at risk a massive civil uprising from February 2021 onward

So … what is happening in February next year?

The problem they have is not only in the differential but more in the defaults - more and more ppl are defaulting and this is reflected in their stock prices.

Depends how you measure its value - almost every time I go food shopping the bill goes up and the quantity goes down,

Be careful what you wish for - even a normalised rate of 5% would kill the economy and the banks with it.

Thats the rub - the banks, as you say, make money on the differential - not sure what it used to be, but it was a lot larger than it is now.

And the banks were able to borrow that money at what? sub 2%? - See the problem?