The Rabbit Hole

Be scared - really shitless scared

Read this before you take any vaccine

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I’ve been reading Jon Rappaport for some time.
His message remains the same: vaccines are bad medicine.

Yep, US military personnel will be the first guinea pigs to become human zombies.
Wait, aren’t they human zombies to begin with?

Aluminum makes you stupid. Ask any Alzheimer’s patient.
Mercury caused the notorious Minamata disease.

Other vaccine ingredients can’t be good either.

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Yes, but because they choose to and not because the government has shut down their jobs and told them “tough”. When they choose to move they have the opportunity to do it in a managed fashion, maybe.

Boris is turning out to be a time-bomb.

The Shetlands ??
Surely that is “offshoring” …

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Government has shut down the economy with their best efforts. This interference is unprecedented. Everything the government intervenes in turns to shit. Market forces will always find the status quo. For example, the 6 month reduction in stamp duty has seen the market revived, true, albeit artificially and temporarily. However, mortgage rates have risen dramatically to what they were in the summer and banks are demanding minimum 25% deposit, which would screw many FTBs and hence the chains which rely on them. Sellers have gotten more greedy, so in effect the overall cost would work out the same if not more. The government never accounts for market adjustments to their wondrous plans! So as usual, they actually achieve the opposite of what they intend.

Other than government intervention, what else is there? Progress? Costs? Maybe the combine harvester shouldn’t have been invented because that must have cost hundreds of thousands of jobs!

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… and the number of ‘deals’ for which customers can apply has been reduced; by 90% allegedly.

… and the income multiplier used to determine the maximum loan vs income has reduced from 5.5 to 4.5 without anybody saying anything, again allegedly.

However … rejoice! … because we have at least another 15 years of near zero interest rates ahead of us.

That is probly the primary reason this house of cards will collapse.

Zero interest rates mean…

  1. The banks can’t make a profit
  2. Saving money will lose you money
  3. Pension funds will go bust - they need7% to pay pension liabilities
  4. Insurance co’s also need abt 7% on investments

The banksters have known that for a long time - why do you think they are talking abt the great reset?

All that serves is to screw savers. There is no correlation anymore between base rate and mortgage rates.

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No need to worry if you lose your job tho - the govt has that covered - you could always retrain as a ‘‘stunt double’’


That explains all the crazy things going on!
It’s the curse of the mummy!

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As you know, they have gotten to Boris Johnson who is following the same tactics as Andrews, the Madman of Australia. George Soros has been the one funding the REMAIN camp against BREXIT and I believe that Boris Johnson has been bought.

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Fake money, that is.

They are not after your fake money in your bank accounts.
They are after your soul.

Hmmm, I wonder who owns them.

When the Tories took over from Labour, national debt was about £800b and a lot of that was used to bail out the banks. Now it’s over £2 trillion. That is despite having printed money to pay some of it off.

Maybe we would have been better under Corbyn. At least we would have been in under no illusion what we were getting. Nobody can spend it like the Tories!

This Doctor says it all so well IMO.

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Typical sheep.
Of course the criminals are not interested in tracing COVID (so-called) because they know it’s fake.