The Rabbit Hole

This mysterious is gold is often mentioned when a global reset, gold standard etc., is discussed.

I just wonder where Imperial Japan got the gold from.
Moreover, why not hide it closer to home?’s_gold#:~:text=Yamashita’s%20gold%2C%20also%20referred%20to,just%20underground%20in%20the%20Philippines.

Certainly a good theme for Indiana Jones type movies.

G7b9ffd0 (3)

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As to where all this is heading, I recommend you read Schwab’s ‘ Great Reset ’, and his earlier ‘ The Fourth Industrial Revolution ’, but please don’t do so late at night, because they will probably give you nightmares. Schwab’s elitist Davos-man utopia is a trans-human, socially distanced, utterly soulless dystopia for the rest of us. Think of the most terrifying sci-film you’ve ever watched and that still doesn’t go anywhere near it. And the worst thing is that it is sold to us as some kind of ‘ progressive ’ vision.

Johnson, in his speech yesterday, showed he’s a fully-signed up ‘ Great Resetter ’. It was, for me, the most chilling oration ever made by any British prime minister at a party conference.

Banking reforms must come to the west.
Question is how.

As some researchers say, today’s banking system is the Babylonian debt-based, interest-bearing system, which will automatically make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

If all debts are called off, as in ancient Israel, you may call it a great reset. Basically, banksters have nothing to lose in this scheme, because they have amassed so much wealth since the Napoleonic Wars.

This Johnson attempting to un-do the Maggie Thatcher maxim, “if there are no jobs where you are you should move to where there are jobs”.

Personally I agree with him in that respect. Thatcher did greatr damage to society by splitting the family unit(s).

You are talking about deposing the Mafia … no chance.

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You just can’t make it up. LOL

It reminds me of a joke I heard in Italy some years ago.

— God should sink Sicily under the sea twice.
— Why twice?
— First time to get rid of the Mafia.
— And the second time?
— Second time to get rid of the Mafia who have returned to the reemerged island from all over the world.


:joy::joy::joy: and Chairman Boris isn’t damaging society.

That’s right, you move to where there is work (or opportunity). It’s what people have done throughout history.

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Thatcher was a Rothschild woman and did their bidding.

Somebody posted the real teleprompter voice for Biden during the debate.
I can’t find it.
Can you?

It’s not that simple - In an ideal world we would all stay in our local communities and be able to earn a living and support a family. But jobs typically follow the money and companies locate where they have access to labour or resources.
You can’t force a company to build a new factory on the Shetlands (for obvious reasons) thats the whole raison d’etre for outsourcing and offshoring - it ain’t fair but thats Capitalism I’m afraid - Aint life a bitch.

‘‘the focus should be on shielding the elderly and vulnerable.’’

NO SHIT SHERLOCK!! And it has taken them 6 fucking months to to find that out - gimme a break.

‘‘But the strategy would have put more strain on NHS ICU wards than lockdown did’’
Tacit agreement that lockdowns are nothing to do with saving lives but are all about hiding the fact that NHS is no longer fit for purpose??

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Lol, we outsource the tech to India and pay them £3 an hour. 20 years ago, those skills were very sought after here and techies earnt shed loads. Now they do it better and far cheaper elsewhere. Why should we employ fat, useless, workshy, entitled whingers because Boris says so?

Yep its all abt protecting the NHS - NOT US.

Terminal cancer is a serious issue and those afflicted should receive the utmost attention and care.

Re herd immunity
I think it’s a hypothetical construct and it should be taken with a grain of salt.
As mentioned often, why lock up and lock down the healthy in the first place?
If Covid 19 is so deadly, why would you need testing to find out whether you have it or not?