The Rabbit Hole

Unfortunately I would only get away with “Nadine Dorries” if they weren’t paying attention!

It will be £1000 fine for giving false details. Restaurants won’t take cash so you will have to pay by card. The police can get your details from your bank.

It is quite complicated and requires a shitload of assumptions.

I take no blue pills. You asked for an explanation of what it means and I gave it.

The only time I see snippets of CNN is when Fox plays them to point out their stupidity.

That you equate the simplistic video I posted to fear is exemplary of delusional thinking.

Here’s a CDC article on the topic. I doubt you will comprehend, but do try to read it fully before making an ass of yourself again.


Difficult to prove unless they raid the pub and my wife and I alternate with paying and booking so the payer, isn.t the booker. And in the unlikely event they ever phne - we have plausible deniability

Is that tacit agreement that masks don’t work?

Time to worry?



Is it really worth it? Restaurant food here is generally crap anyway. I make far better at home. I am doing my part in helping the economy go down the toilet, by not spending.

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I asked a friend in Russia how many people wear masks.

About 20%.
Obviously they know that all the fear-mongering about Covid 19 in the west is a hoax.

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It really cracks me up when you Hasbara guys post documents(that you obviously haven’t read) and claim that they debunk our argument, when, in fact they do the exact opposite and totally demolish your own position.

Where do I start, h-ASS-bara-tits? and I’ll try to keep it really simple to give you a chance(to understand). Firstly your opening statement says it all ‘‘shitload of assumptions’’ - so we have trashed the world economy based on what? - the R no - and the R no is based on what?..a shitload of assumptions - gimme a break FFS. The definition of assume was best described by the wag who once said it makes an ass out of u and me.

And you have certainly never got within 100 yards of a red pill, which makes me question why you bother posting here - maybe the answer to that is in your name, Hasbaratits?
And you did not explain what R0 means because you don’t have the intellect to come anywhere close to even understanding it . All you did was post the BS explanation from the CDC which is so full of holes my grandkids can see them.

So how would you describe it? - maybe bullshit propaganda from the mainstream media?. The video’s opening statement starts with the word fear and its whole objective is to confuse the sheeple with something they know they won’t understand. Sowing confusion and misunderstandings is guaranteed to spread fear amonst the gullible

I read this article(which you obviously haven’t) when it was first published and if it is supposed to be a scientific document supporting the case for lockdowns - god help us. That was also when I started to research the R no and I have concluded that it is nothing more than a tool to confuse us and keep us scared shitless.

Here are a few pertinent extracts from the BS doc you posted

''R0 is usually estimated with various types of complex mathematical models, which make R0 easily misrepresented, misinterpreted, and misapplied. R0 is not a biological constant for a pathogen, a rate over time, or a measure of disease severity, and R0 cannot be modified through vaccination campaigns. R0 is rarely measured directly, and modeled R0 values are dependent on model structures and assumptions. Some R0 values reported in the scientific literature are likely obsolete. R0 must be estimated, reported, and applied with great caution because this basic metric is far from simple.

relevant for the estimation
we recommend that R0 be applied and discussed with caution.
R0 is easily subject to misrepresentation
developed using various sets of assumptions
this value is usually estimated
“expected number of secondary cases”
R0 can be used to estimate
R0 does not indicate whether the disease produced by the infection is severe
R0 values are often estimated
definition of R0 includes the assumption’’

The following 3 pearlers were what clinched it for me…

''As a result, R0 is nearly always estimated retrospectively

many of the parameters included in the models used to estimate R0 are merely educated guesses; the true values are often unknown or difficult or impossible to measure directly

R0 is an estimate of contagiousness that is a function of human behavior and biological characteristics of pathogens. R0 is not a measure of the severity of an infectious disease or the rapidity of a pathogen’s spread through a population. R0 values are nearly always estimated from mathematical models, and the estimated values are dependent on numerous decisions made in the modeling process. ‘’

How the fuck can a purportedly ''scientific document contain so many guesses and estimates - I thought science had to be indisputable fact and evidence based. And they used that to justify trashing the world economy Jeez! the lunatics really have taken over the assylum.

I spent a lot of time on this post and you probly won’t bother to read it but thats ok bc it will help you realise the content of this thread generally and this post in particular is beyond the grasp of your limited intellectual capabilities.

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It’s the kids(teenagers) I worry abt


On second thoughts maybe they’ll be ok LOL


‘‘The damage that was done by the reaction was way worse than the virus.’’

You are spending too much time around Dr.Mansche

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Ah, you’ve outdone yourself, May-Gag-A-Maggot! Congratulations!

You’ve turned a simple answer to a stupid question (you could easily have searched the web for a definition of R0) into a diatribe that does little more than reiterate your anti-Semitic bullshit opinion and unmatched arrogance.

My answer was directed only at your stupid question…not to any application of the subject’s perceived use in supporting lockdowns.

You apparently did not comprehend what you read as you seem to ignore that the concept has been applied to communicable diseases since the early 1900s.

As for the rest of your ignorant reply, I have more rewarding things to do than banter with such a belligerent, incorrigible idiot as you.




The location, the activities of the people, the degree to which the population is already been infected…all have bearing on the infection rate for ANY AND ALL communicable diseases. There is no reason the expect all areas to exhibit identical statistical results.

That is why some areas have high numbers of infections and some have none at all.

Poor sanitation.
That’s their secret. LOL

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They don’t have fatties or BAME in Cambodia.

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