The Rabbit Hole


Unfortunately its one of the things they can send you to prison for not paying.
Stu doesn’t mind taking that risk but it scares an awful lot of ppl off

wonder why that doesn’t apply to all the Liverpool/ Manchester students who may be locked down over Xmas.

Anyone see the Uk press yesterday?
Every single front page was an ad for the new wizz bang track and trace app, you know the one that doesn’t actually work and will only let you register positive tests, not negative.
How the fuck does an app on my phone protect me from getting CV - oh yeah it doesn’t and isn’t supposed to, but what it will do is tell me to self isolate so I can stay home and die alone, thus ‘‘protecting’’ everyone else.
Fear porn is ramping up again

''Most people will be touching their faces or adjusting their mask, and if they touched something with COVID, then the mask will become infected. This is one giant scam

There is no coming back from this deliberate economic destruction. They are deliberately trying to CRUSH the world economy to further their goal to control climate change.’’

Three post rule again
Face masks are screwing up facial recognition software - NO SHIT SHERLOCK!
Another law of unintended consequences - ROFLMFAO

Won’t be long before they do a complete 180 and BAN mask wearing.


Then you would get heavies banging on your door. I had an empty house, which was clearly uninhabited, and there would be piles of notes through the letterbox from visits from these heavies. They are like bailiffs and never give up. I pay the TV license because I don’t want the aggro. Boris talked about decriminalising non payment of the TV license, but as usual from him, it’s all hot air. It’s not much anyway, about £150 (?) a year.

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Also wear dark glasses. :grin:

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"It’s time for MPs to do their jobs

ON Wednesday, Parliament must vote to renew or ditch the dictatorial Coronavirus Bill, which it enacted in a sort of mesmerised trance, without a vote, half a year ago.

It should scrap this nasty, despotic thing. And you can help. You need to email your MPs now, in large numbers. Do not try to reason with them.

Be polite, brief and acid. Say you have noticed that MPs have ceased to do the job for which they are paid more than ÂŁ80,000 a year.

They are not representing you. They have let hundreds of thousands of jobs be destroyed without a squeak of protest.

They are not holding the Government to account. Ask if they think that people who do not do their jobs should continue to be employed on large salaries. Remind them that they can be removed at the next Election. Leave it at that.

It is the only argument most of these boobies can understand. But please do it."


These masks are annoying to say the least.
But more annoying are the people who accuse you of not wearing these stupid masks.

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Is that standard issue for inmates ?

You contribute to the Covid-19 thread … so you know the answer

It is not mandatory to have a licence to watch TV.
It is only mandatory to have a licence to watch air-broadcast TV (from the likes of BBC and ITV) or internet content which is the same (internet content which is also being air-broadcast).
You might have to prove that you are unable to watch broadcast TV, possessing only computers will normally do it.

You do not go to jail until you refuse to pay the fines.

Where can I get a Burka (with a letter-box :rofl: )

… and the all-seeing eye is already installed. It is called Alexa or Siri or something

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Today’s missive from the department of compliance …

So I am ignoring it and waiting to see what happens next.


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This is about as simple an explanation as can exist.

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That is a great movie! I watched it again last week.

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Thats just fear porn, but if it makes you happy, keep taking the blue pill and watch CNN.
What they never explain is how they actually calculate the number.

There is no risk. Seriously.

@Jen It’s not the cost it’s their utter bullshit bias and the barrage of obvious agebda pushing that I refuse to pay for. They cover the full spectrum from full on Trans Queer crap to BLM, to white justified self loathing. Well bollox to that.

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They are too busy locked in the parliament bar whicj incidentally doesn’t throw out at 10 :beers:


I know. I pay for lots of things I don’t want to, but do so for a peaceful life. I saw an article that Boris is finally downgrading non payment to a civil rather than criminal offence. Even so, I don’t need the aggro of being hauled up to the Magistrates. It may be the noble thing to do, but is it still worth getting a CCJ for?

I never got that text. :smiley:

Now that it is mandatory to do track and trace if you eat out, I no longer eat out. At all. It is also going to be mandatory for all customer facing businesses to display a track and trace QR code at the entrance (got a text from the govt) but luckily we’re B2B. Next track and trace will be made mandatory in ALL shops.

I just put my local MP’s name and number down when I eat or drink out.