The Rabbit Hole

That’s correct…

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We’re engaged! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Do you know what a ring is in Brit speak? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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A telephone call? :nerd_face:

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Liberal Stupidity!


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Sign of sainthood?

Must be on sale. There’s a lot of unsaintly behavior in other threads.

Thai Green Curry …hot :laughing:

“Official Sources” That old chestnut still cracks me up !!! :rage:

Could it be the same idiots that gave little sweetie Greta an honorary doctorate ? Yes that thick as pig shit yoof is Dr. Greta Thunberg ! :face_vomiting:

Burn, burn burn, the ring of fire! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Very strange. It gives me indigestion but nothing green the next day.
(Korean kimchi retains the red color)

Radiation poisoning …

Right over your head! Amazing! :wink:

Figuratively and literally.


I have no doubt that when Jimi Hendrix performed this, he was not thinking about Joe Biden in the slightest …

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He didn’t write it… :crazy_face:

Thanks Stu, post updated accordingly


Listening to British English always evokes mixed feelings.
For me, it’s either a comedy or a very serious talk.

“Diversity” is just a mantra. It really doesn’t mean anything except accepting Africans among your midst.

Asians in America know what the blacks are.
I assume the same in England.

… some ugly cows in Lidl

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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