The Rabbit Hole

I don’t want any spare off the guy with the cap ! :laughing:

Operation “Moonshot” will ramp up the figures to really make sure the sheep stay in their lane.

This will upset Jimmy Krankie ! She is fully in favour of Scotland having their independence ( Only to be tied to EU -Some independence !) How can she deny the Shetland Islanders ? !! Awkward :grin:


''From September 14, it will be illegal for more than six people to gather in a variety of places, including private homes, in England. This ban also extends to restaurants, cafes, bars, pubs and even outdoor spaces, and applies across the board to all ages. However, the rule won’t apply in an array of other scenarios, for no other apparent reason than Matt Hancock says so.

The health secretary said: “one of the pieces of feedback we had, including from the police, was that we needed the rules to be super simple so that everybody knows what they are.”

They may be really simple, Mr Hancock, but far more striking than their simplicity is their earth-shattering stupidity. The new restrictions are being introduced in response to a steep rise in coronavirus cases. Not deaths, not hospitalisations, but cases. This rise in cases has, astonishingly, coincided with an increase in testing, but the fact that if you go looking for something you might find more of it doesn’t seem to have crossed the minds of the geniuses at the Department of Health.

Despite that little nugget of information passing them by, they have identified some situations where it is apparently fine for more than six people to congregate. These include schools and workplaces, ‘Covid-secure’ weddings, funerals and organised team sports.

Quite how Covid-19 is supposed to tell the difference between having seven or more people round for a few drinks just for the hell of it and having seven or more people round for a few drinks because it’s a wedding is not immediately clear. But I guess we’ll just have to take Matt’s word for it.

It is also good to know that the virus apparently doesn’t spread when you are doing things the government approves of, like going to work or school, but does spread if you just want to enjoy yourself. I didn’t know that viruses were capable of telling the difference between a diversity training seminar and a dinner party, or a geography lesson and a barbecue, but you learn something new every day…

These new laws regarding socialising will be enforced through a £100 fine if people fail to comply, doubling on each offence up to a maximum of £3,200. This means that people could be given a criminal record for hanging around with more than six people in a park. This is complete insanity, and completely arbitrary. Why have they settled on six people as a limit? Has Matt Hancock only got 6 mates?’’

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Over an hour but worth watching






“I have been invited by the GENSIX people to develop a presentation which outlines the degree of infiltration that America is experiencing at the present time. I am going to present a teaser for what I am going to be presenting in October.”

*Western Canada Being Occupied by CHICOM Troops *

*"Previously, I covered the fact that we have a large contingent of CHICOM troops operating in Western Canada just north of the US/Canadian border. The CHICOMS are moving drugs with the help of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The CHICOMS control British Columbia’s largest port, just like they did Long Beach before Trump put a stop to it. *
I recently interviewed SARAH WESTALL on our new TV show, The Common Sense Show.TV. Coincidentally, a day after our interview, Sarah reported along with Kevin Annett, that CANADA now has CHINESE TROOPS hidden within Canadian Native reservations.
The CHICOM troops are taking and protecting resources from the reservations under the authority of Trudeau & the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
CHICOM troops now move freely in Canada under the cover of COVID-19 lockdowns as well as legislation from the Canadian government which allows the CHICOMs to use their military to “protect” CHICOM assets in Canada."

More Sources Come Forward

The story regarding CHICOMS being located on the edge of our northern border with Canada are growing since Sarah Westall released her interview with Kevin Annett. The only discrepancy on the report is how many CHICOM soldiers are lying in wait.
Yesterday, Paul Martin contacted me on the same subject because he knew I was actively covering this. His source, well known to him, claims that there are 6,000 CHICOM troops ready to attack from the North. Earlier in the day, my best source, a retired high-ranking ARSOF source told me the same thing as Paul, except the number of troops are far greater and there are mechanized elements involved as well as some airborne capabilities. It is this source’s belief that the CHICOMS were waiting until the military, under the presumed control of high ranking Democrats were going to forcibly remove Trump from office.

*Don’t know how much of this is true so just posting this here for now.

…The Ronahoax saved the banks repo market - Who owns the banks?(rhetorical q)
Cui Bono?

Oh look what landed in my inbox, a reminder we are blessed with our very own ex CIA double agent! Wow!


Orkney too now. Where are all the North Sea oil fields? Lol, Jimmy Krankie is buggered.


I didn’t know that …

Well they are back pedaling since the story broke saying they used the tests for different uses but since covid come along they fit the bill for that. Er yeah ok …

Interesting … I would have said he was brown or Asian.

The other day my son was going about his work, a woman in a nearby house emerges and called him a “white cunt”. Seeing as he was in Luton my son thought this entirely normal, but he did address the woman’s husband to point out that her comment was racist. Knowing him he probably said that she should have just called him a cunt.



Understand Deep State rule #2: make sure both sides are armed so that there is no obvious winner.

The cage is constructed to be absolutely detectable and the head inside believes he/she is safe.

Most people do not understand what is happening, and they believe the propaganda.
I realised this a couple of weeks ago whilst in Tesco, I said in the course of a lock-down discussion with the (elderly) till operator that this disease (COVID-19) is so efficient at propagating that everyone will get it eventually.

As a look of fear flashed across her face I quickly pointed out that most people do not suffer any ill effects, and that there was a whole factory full of people (Princes at Wisbech iirc) who tested positive and nobody knew that they had it and nobody was ill.

Meanwhile Alex those gobshites at the BBC…


Why have we all got fluorescent green rings?

I think we get a ring if we are online