The Rabbit Hole


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This is a bit of a ramble but I like Jim - he touches on Ukraine, Hitler, Gold, Rothschilds, Autism payouts, lockdowns and more. They collapsed the world economy to get rid of Trump!. Worth watching but 1hr 30mins long.

This will be tomorrow’s project. It’s getting late here.
Ten may not be that late for some, though. LOL

Deep State involvement in Ukraine is well known but little talked about in the west is Belarus. People don’t even know where it is. (I had a chance to visit last year.)
Dictatorship is bad, but over 80% of the people supported the old leader.
One thing I noticed in Belarus is that everything there is small-scale: the capital Minsk, its subway (only two lines), its airport, etc.



Yeah … and he nearly got Indiana Jones!

■■■■ behind BLM and destruction of civilization.

Yahweh is a bloodthirsty god.

They do now.

The streets are full of people demanding that the current president resign.
Something about rigged elections and opposition people with short life-spans.
Who would have thought …

The opposition is ■■■■■■ . How interesting.

Its neighbor to the south, Ukraine is a failed state now because people didn’t know six years ago who was behind the “Maidan protest”

Crypto-Joo meets covert Joo




That’s what “conspiracy theories” are all about.

Anyone heard of Michael Glassner

Michael Glassner (born July 30, 1963)[1][2] is an American political advisor, currently serving as the executive director of the Donald Trump 2020 presidential campaign committee.

Glassner’s family is Jooish

In 2014, Glassner served as Southwest Regional Political Director of AIPAC.

Hopefully Glassner is one of the rare ‘‘good’’ Joos but I doubt it and that makes me q Trumps real motives/objectives.

“When this majority-minority shift occurs, there will be an unprecedented transfer of political power from European peoples to non-Europeans, essentially signalling the final endpoint of Europeans’ sovereignty over their ancestral homelands.”

Just another Cohencidence?
‘‘Kalergi was funded by his friend Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild, and the Jooish bankers’’


breathenshot1 (8)


Now that we all know that the Rona hoax was indeed a nothing burger, I am beginning to think that it was a setup to prepare us for what is coming next.
Favourite is the global reset… or maybe
Banning cash
OR war with ???
OR lockdowns forever
OR ground all flights
OR unleash a second wave to really kill millions
OR all of the above


That would be extremely easy and essentially untraceable.

His worst enemy inside is Kushner.
The Trump Presidency was made possible with Jooish money and his administration is basically a fight among Joos; some good, and some bad.

No matter which side wins, the victory will for Joos, unless humanity has a real awakening and paradigm shift and realizes that money isn’t everything.

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I do think the bubonic plague was artificially introduced in Europe killing 1/3 or even 3/4 of the population in some areas.

You see, there is nothing new about the Kalergi plan.

I think that might be one of the few benefits we get from CV19 bt it’s gonna be really painful.