The Rabbit Hole

10:31 minute video.

My thoughts on the video.

Napoleon was also poisoned to death with arsenic on the island. The cook was probably a Rothschild agent.

FDR’s death may or may not be natural, because he himself was an Illuminati and 33rd degree mason.

Israel was created by the Rothschilds as a tool to blackmail the entire world.

The two Bushes attended Yale and were Bonesmen.
They come from one of the oldest ■■■■■■ families in America.

There is a theory that Barbara Bush was the daughter of the known English satanist Aleister Crowley but I cannot confirm.

Washington and Jefferson were masons, but it was before the Masonry was completely taken over by the Order of Illuminati, and they knew of the danger.

Mr.Kim is looking a little less nourished than he was … unless he is deliberately trying to lose weight!

That is total bollocks. The volume of enclosed air in an adult facemask is almost insignificant. My breathed capacity is in excess of 4 litres (when I try) so let’s guess at around 2.5%.

Equally there is a system of control for asthmatics explored by a Russian doctor which is intended to raise the CO2 concentration in the blood. The elevated CO2 level is beneficial to the overall respiration.

Before anybody complains … kids are not required to wear masks (yet).
Finally … if it is good enough for CPR …

I refuse to wear a face nappy. This isn’t about controlling an almost non existent virus that kills 6 times less people than flu. It’s about control. What next, we all have to wear blue boiler suits, eat the same food and have the same pudding bowl haircut?

Covid nutters can do what they like, but keep out of my face.


Some questions for your MP

If my mask works and is effective protection – why is it necessary for everyone else to wear one? If everyone who wears one is protected, it shouldn’t matter who else wears them. If young ppl, who are in no danger at all, choose not to wear one, why should we even care. Unless of course the masks don’t actually work anyway.

If a schoolteacher can go down the pub, without a mask and then goes to school, without a mask, and mixes with hundreds of children, without masks, and then goes back down the pub - doesn’t that increase the risk of spreading CV19 exponentially?

If vaccines are effective, and safe, why have you given big Pharma immunity from prosecution? If they were safe, big Pharma wouldn’t need immunity would they?

You didn’t watch videos Alex posted.

Absolutely right.
Wearing a mask (other than caretakers of patients / you cough or sneeze a lot) is wearing a badge that says:
Yes, I obey Big Brother.

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Try to watch more hours of TV.

You forget to think and your confusion and headache will be cured.

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A great quote.
And how accurate!

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Speaking from their point of view.

Judaism has two sides:
One side speaks about peace in the world, love of God (meaning love from God and love for God), etc.
The other side is the synagogue of satan.

People don’t know it, but Yahweh is not the loving, universal, Creator God.
Yahweh is a very dark entity.


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